Inhaled and Gaseous Agents Flashcards
Define Saturated Vapor Pressure
The pressure exerted by a vapour when it is completely saturated and in equilibrium with its liquid form, and is a measurement of volatility
Define Solubility
the ability of a liquid or gas solute to dissolve into a liquid or gas solvent
Define Partition Coefficient (blood:gas and oil:gas)
Blood Gas solubility coefficient (e.g. alveolar-blood interface) –> related to the rate of induction and recovery
- High solubility = halothane = slower speed of induction and recovery
- Low solubility = sevoflurane
Oil Gas solubility coefficient (e.g. blood-brain interface) –> is a measure of anesthetic potency i.e. how much is required to cause anesthesia in the brain
- High solubility = halothane = lower MAC value required to achieve anesthesia = more potent the agent is
- Low solubility = desflurane
Define MAC
The Minimum concentration of anesthetic agent in the alveoli at which 50% of patients will not exhibit a gross purposeful reponse (movement) to a particular surgical stimulus (tail clamp/ skin incision)
- This measurement allows for the comparison of potency of inhalational anesthetics
The higher the MAC, the larger the mount of agent is needed to produce anesthesia, thus the lower the potency
- Halothane MAC = 0.8% = very potent
- Desflurane MAC = 7% = less potent
Isoflurane, Sevoflurane and Desflurane are all __________
Halogenated ethers (Vapours)
Nitrous Oxide and Xenon are both _______
Inhaled Gases
Which of the Halogenated ethers can be used in food-producing animals?
Isoflurane, Sevoflurane and Desflurane are all __________
Halogenated ethers (Vapours)
Which of the Halogenated ethers can be used in domestic animals?
Why is Nitrous Oxide not used in vet medicine anymore?
- Negative environmental effects
Why is Xenon rarely used in vet medicine?
VERY expensive to purchase and use
What factors increase the speed of induction with inhaled agents?
1) Increase inspired anesthetic concentration
2) Increase alveolar ventilation
3) Decrease removal from alveoli
How can you increase the anesthetic concentration being delivered to a patient?
1) turn up the dial on the vaporizer
2) increase the fresh gas flow (in a circle system)
3) increase vaporization of the agent
4) decrease gas volume of the breathing circuit
note: in order for any of these to work, the patient has to be breathing properly
How can you increase the alveolar ventilation of the anesthetic agent?
1) Increase tidal volume, respiratory rate or both
2) Decrease residual capacity/ dead space ventilation
How can you decrease the removal of the anesthetic agent from the alveoli?
1) Use agents with lower blood:gas solubility coefficients
2) Decrease cardiac output
3) Decrease solubility in tissues