Inhalation Anaesthetic/Intravenous Anaesthetics Flashcards
Anaesthetic perspective?
Lipid solubiity?
What is MAC
How to alter MAC
How is dosing titrated
We monitor the expired breath and then titrate the amount to reach the aquired amount. Remember we can alter the minute volume as the patient is ventilated.
How do volatile agents effect all the organ systems?
Fluranes and properties?
Mechanism of action of intravenous agents?
Pharmacokinetics of IV agents?
Highly lipid solubiluty and cross BBB
Drug from IV blous taken up by VRG organs, then leaves these organs as lean tissues take up drug and conc in blood falls
Offest after single IV dose is therefore due primarily to redistribtion (patient may be wide away even though total amount in body is basically unchanged)
Thiopentone onset/offset/clearance
Thiopentone on RS/CVS
Propofol onset/offset/clearance
Ketamine bad for?