Inguinal Canal Flashcards
What germ layer gives rise to the testes and overaies?
Intermediate mesoderm (Develop in the posterior abdominal wall
“little man that leads” - testes follow the gubernaculum in migration as it passes through muscle layers.
Ends migration in the scrotum.
Layers of migration, superficial to deep
Skin Scarpa's fascia External Obliques Internal Abdominal Obliques Transversus Abdominus Transversalis Fascia Peritoneum
Layers around testes, superficial to deep
Scrotum: Skin and Dartos External spermatic fascia Cremasteric fascia Internal spermatic fascia Tunica vaginalis (parietal) Tunica vaginalis (visceral)
Which abdominal layers give rise to each layer around the testes?
External Oblique aponeurosis: External spermatic fascia
Internal Oblique: Cremasteric fascia
Transversalis fascia: Internal spermatic fascia
Peritoneum: Tunica vaginalis (parietal and visceral)
Blood supply to the scrotum
Cremasteric artery
Anterior scrotal branches (from deep external pudendal artery)
Posterior scrotal branches (from pudendal artery)
Scrotum innervation
Posterior scrotal nerves - posterior surface
Perineal branches of posterior cutaneous N. - posteroinferior surface
Anterior scrotal nerves - anterior surface
Genial branch of genitofemoral n - anterolateral surface
- Excess fluid accumulated in scrotum
- Persistent processus vaginalis
What 9 contents are found in the spermatic cord?
- Ductus deferens
- Artery to ductus deferens
- Testicular A.
- Pampiniform plexus of veins
- Cremasteric A and V
- Genital branch of genitofemoral N.
- Sympathetics and visceral afferents
- Lymphatics
- Remnants of processus vaginalis
Scrotum feels like a “bag of worms”
- Generally on left side
What structures are remnants of the gubernaculum?
Males: scrotal ligament (prevents twisting)
Females: Round ligament of the uterus
Posterior wall of inguinal canal
Transversalis fascia
Inguinal canal location
ASIS –> pubic tubercle
Roof of inguinal canal
Transversalis fascia
Floor of inguinal canal
Lateral third: Iliopubic tract
Middle third: Inguinal ligament
Medial Third: Lacunar ligament (extension of inguinal ligament)
Contents of inguinal canal
Spermatic cord (males)
round ligament of the uterus (females)
blood and lymphatic vessels
Conjoint tendon
formed by aponeurosis of internal oblique and transversus abdominus muscle
Where do indirect inguinal hernias usually occur?
Lateral to the inferior epigastric A
Where do direct inguinal hernias occur?
Medial to inferior epigastric A
In Hesselbach’s Triangle
What layers of the testes cover indirect inguinal hernias?
All the layers surrounding the spermatic cord
since it goes through the deep inguinal ring
What layers cover direct inguinal hernias?
Parietal peritoneum and Transversalis fascia
because the hernia is outside the deep inguinal ring
What type of hernia is more common in women?
Femoral hernias