Infusion Pump Flashcards
True or False: Parenteral injections are quickly absorbed as they undergo digestive process in the gastrointestinal tract
False: These injections are absorbed quickly as they are administered through blood tissues and circulatory (bloodstream)
Known as “Philippines Nursing Act of 2002”, states that the administration of parenteral injection is included in the scope of nursing practice.
A. RA No. 9173
B. RA No. 9713
C. RA No. 9317
D. Ra No. 9137
A. RA No. 9173
In 1993, this group established the Nursing Standards on Intravenous Practice
- ANSAP or Association of Nursing Service Administrators of Philippines
Why do nurses need to undergo basic IV therapy training?
A. to ensure safe practice in Intravenous Therapy to uphold quality nursing practice.
B. enhance the nurse’s attitude, knowledge, and skills in the delivery of their expanded role as intravenous nurse therapists.
C. Their holistic approach to patient care is enhanced and their clinical competence is achieved through knowledge of the nursing process
D. All of the above
The nurse must consider the following to proceed in doing IV therapy except
A. Patient needs maintenance and correction of hydration
B. Patient must have parenteral nutrition
C. When administrating certain medications
D. When the patient does not need to replace fluids that they lose
E. Transfusion of blood
F. Avenue for diagnostic testing Indications of IV Therapy Intravenous Fluids
Color of gauge 14
Color of gauge 16
Color of gauge 18
Color of gauge 20
Color of gauge 22
Color of gauge 24
Color of gauge 26
gauge used for blood transfusion
gauge used for bloodletting
Consists of broader tubing. Due to this reason, it produces drops of bigger diameter and can give 10 gtt/ml, 15 gtt/ml, and 20 gtt/ml.
consists of narrower tubing. Due to this reason, it produces drops of smaller diameter and generally comes in a single size with a needle which is 60 gtt/ml.
True or False: Greater is the value of gtt/ml, smaller is the size of the tube, and vice versa.
A sterile gadget consisting mainly of a tubing with filter whose function is to convey, conduct, or deliver blood or blood products from a plastic container into a patient’s vein
Blood infusion set
A medical device used to deliver a fixed volume of intravenous fluid at a fixed rate through gravity or pressure pump method in pediatric patients, usually together with other medications. May used to administer antibiotics that are concentrated and thus need water to dilute
Soluset or Volumetric chamber
______________ can further improve safety by standardizing the dosing units and calculating the rate in these dosing units as well as ml/hr, eliminating the risk of calculation error.
A. Smart infusion pumps
B. Syringe pumps
C. Volumetric pumps
IV complication wherein the vein is inflamed
A. infiltration
B. extravasation
C. phlebitis
IV complication wherein a leakage of the intravenous solution or medication goes into the extravascular tissue
A. infiltration
B. extravasation
C. phlebitis
IV complication wherein the IV catheter dislodged and medication infuses into the tissue (vesicant)
A. infiltration
B. extravasation
C. phlebitis
The nurse must consider the following during IV therapy but not?
A. Monitor for irritation, signs of infiltration, phlebitis, or extravasations.
B. Monitor IV flow rate regularly (every hour) even if the solution is administered through an IV pump
C. Proper documentation. Document all findings on the IV flow sheet or in the computer.
D. Document any adverse response and dosage of medication
E. Re-site into the same vein after stopping the infusion
Identify what category of electronic infusion device that/is:
A stationary, pole-mounted electronic device that uses a sensor to monitor fluid flow and to detect when flow has been interrupted
A. Controller
B. Pumps
C. Syringe pumps
D. Volumetric pumps
E. Ambulatory pumps
Identify what category of electronic infusion device that/is:
relies completely on gravity to create fluid flow and do not create pressure.
A. Controller
B. Pumps
C. Syringe pumps
D. Volumetric pumps
E. Ambulatory pumps
Identify what category of electronic infusion device that/is:
rely on counting drops, which vary in size and is not as accurate as pumps.
A. Controller
B. Pumps
C. Syringe pumps
D. Volumetric pumps
E. Ambulatory pumps
Identify what category of electronic infusion device that/is:
A syringe type mechanism that fills and empty as one of its 3 mechanisms
A. Controller
B. Pumps
C. Syringe pumps
D. Volumetric pumps
E. Ambulatory pumps
Identify what category of electronic infusion device that/is:
A series of microchambers that fill and empty as one of its three mechanism
A. Controller
B. Pumps
C. Syringe pumps
D. Volumetric pumps
E. Ambulatory pumps
Identify what category of electronic infusion device that/is:
A wavelike, peristaltic action that pushes fluid along the tubing as one if its three mechanism
A. Controller
B. Pumps
C. Syringe pumps
D. Volumetric pumps
E. Ambulatory pumps
What type of pump must the nurse use to administer a small volume of medication?
A. volumetric pump
B. syringe pump
C. ambulatory pump
This type of pump holds a prefilled syringe and applies positive pressure to the plunger that can deliver a specific volume of medicine over a set of time
A. volumetric pump
B. syringe pump
C. ambulatory pump
this type of pump forces fluid into the vein under pressure and against resistance and does not depend upon gravity to force the fluid into the vein.
A. volumetric pump
B. syringe pump
C. ambulatory pump
this type of pump allows the nurse to enter the infusion rate in mL/hr and pump maintains the rate.
A. volumetric pump
B. syringe pump
C. ambulatory pump
unlike a manual IV setup that depends upon gravity, this type of pump will continue to force fluid into the patient’s tissues, even if the cannula has become dislodged from the vein
A. volumetric pump
B. syringe pump
C. ambulatory pump
this type of pump is generally used for home care patients and allows them to return to their usual activities while receiving infusion therapy
A. volumetric pump
B. syringe pump
C. ambulatory pump
this type of pump is typically used to accurately deliver continuous infusions, such as parenteral nutrition and many programmable medication schedules
A. volumetric pump
B. syringe pump
C. ambulatory pump