Infrahyoids Flashcards
Sternohyoid origin
Posterior manubrium of sternum
Posterior medial clavicle
Sternohyoid insertion
Body of hyoid
Sternohyoid action
Depress hyoid
Sternohyoid nerve
Cervical plexus
Sternothyroid origin
Posterior manubrium
Sternothyroid insertion
Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Sternothyroid action
Depress larynx, thyroid cartilage and hyoid
Sternothyroid nerve
Cervical plexus
Thyrohyoid origin
Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid insertion
Body and greater horn of hyoid
Thyrohyoid action
Depress hyoid
Elevate larynx and thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid nerve
C1 of hypoglossal
Omohyoid origin
Superior scapula
Omohyoid insertion
Inferior body of hyoid
Omohyoid action
Depress, retract and steady hyoid
Omohyoid nerve
Cervical plexus
Cricothyroid origin
Front and lateral cricoid cartilage
Cricothyroid insertion
Oblique: inferior thyroid cartilage
Upper: lower lamina of thyroid cartilage
Cricothyroid action
Elevate and tilt cricocartilage (tense vocal cords)
Crocothyroid nerve
External laryngeal N from CNX