Information Technology B4 Flashcards
Which IT personnel roles should always be segregated?
What are the duties of a systems analyst?
Designs or purchases IT system
Responsible for flowcharts
Liaison between Users and Programmers
Note: Think IT Manager
What is the primary duty of a Systems Administrator?
A Systems Administrator controls database access.
What are the duties of a Systems Programmer?
Writes- Updates- Maintains- & Tests software- systems- and compilers
Which duties should a Systems Programmer NOT have?
In order to maximize internal control- a Systems Programmer should NOT have application programming duties/abilities or be an Operator on the system.
What are the duties of a Systems Operator?
Schedules and Monitors Jobs
Runs IT Help Desk
What duties should a System Operator NOT have?
For internal control purposes- they should not be a Programmer on the system.
If it is not possible to segregate duties in an IT System- what actions should be taken to compensate for internal control purposes?
Include Computer Logs.
Control Group should review the logs.
What is the purpose of a Management Information System (MIS)?
To assist with decision making.
What is an Accounting Information System (AIS)?
A type of Management Information System (MIS) that processes accounting transactions.
What are the characteristics of an Executive Information System (EIS)?
Specialized for Company Executive needs
Assists with Strategy Only
No Decision-Making Capabilities
What are the characteristics of an Expert System (ES)?
Computer uses reasoning
No human interpretation needed
What are the characteristics of a Decision Support System (DSS)?
Computer provides data
Gives Interactive Support
Human interpretation needed
What are the characteristics of an Ad Hoc computer report?
User initiates the report.
The report is created upon demand.
When are Exception reports generated?
Exception reports are produced when Edit Tests- Check Digits- or Self-Checking Digits identify a problem
What is a query?
A type of Ad Hoc report- initiated by a user.
What is End-User Computing?
The User develops and executes their own application.
What is the primary benefit of E-commerce?
E-commerce makes business transactions easier.
What are the risks of E-commerce?
Compromised data or theft.
Less paper trail for auditors.
What are the benefits of Electronic Data Interchange?
Uses globally-accepted standards
What is a File Server?
A file server stores shared programs and documents.
What is the purpose of a Database?
Located on a File Server- a Database allows users to share documents.
What is the purpose of a LAN (Local Area Network)?
It connects computers in close proximity.
What is the purpose of a WAN (Wide Area Network)?
It connects computers that are far apart.
What are the characteristics of a VAN (Value-Added Network)?
Privately-owned Network
Serves as 3rd Party Between 2 Companies
Routes EDI Transactions
Accepts wide range of Protocols
Very Costly
What is the purpose of a Firewall?
Prevents unauthorized access to a network.
What are the characteristics of a virus?
Takes over a computer
Needs a host program to run
What are the characteristics of a computer worm?
Takes over multiple computers
Doesn’t need a host program to run
What is the purpose of Automated Equipment Controls?
They prevent and detect hardware errors.
What is RAM?
Random Access Memory.
Internal memory in the computer used during immediate processing.