Information Systems And Databases Flashcards
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What is the logical structure of a flat file database?
A flat file database is comprised of a file, made up of one table, with multiple records related to the same item, fields in each item related to a discrete piece of information (Name)
What is a DBMS?
A database management system is the program that manages a database. This allows for the linking of entities, searching and sorting features, etc.
What is a record
A record is collection of fields, related by the fact that they are collection of data about a particular thing. For example, a record in a database might represent a record of a book. In the database then, the fields would be author, book title, isbn etc
What is a field?
A piece of data about a thing, within a database, made up if characters. A collection of fields about one object is a record.
What is a character?
A single character entered via keyboard, combined into words
What are the two types of queries in a database?
What is QBE
Query by example, is when you search a database by entering in a sample of data, and the database searches for similar records
What is SQL?
Structured query language, which is a searching language used to query a database
What is the structure of an SQL command?
SELECT fields
FROM table
WHERE criteria
Define collecting
Inputting data into the system, preparing data for entry
Define organising
Preparing data for the other information processes
What is analysing?
Structuring data to give meaning to people. Turns data into information
What is storing and retrieving
Saving data for later, then being able to access that data when necessary.
What is transmitting and receiving
Involved with transfer of data within or between systems
What is processing?
Updating, maintaining data within the system
What is display?
Output of the system. Could be paper, screen, sound. Could be data going into another system
Define normalisation
Normalisation is a method to reduce the data redundancy of a data base file. E.g date of birth and birth date
What are the methods of display in a data base
Reports, tables
What is the difference between SQL and QBE
SQL uses specific key words while QBE is used when you want to find something e.g a room number
Define normalisation
Normalisation is a method to reduce the data redundancy of a data base file. E.g date of birth and birth date
What are the methods of display in a data base
Reports, tables
What is the difference between SQL and QBE
SQL uses specific key words while QBE is used when you want to find something e.g a room number
Name some characteristics of an Information System.
- Organisation of Data
- Data must be organised before it can be stored and analysed by the information system.
- Analysis of Information
- Access to information and the resulting knowledge is the purpose of an information system.
What are the types of Information Systems?
Transaction Processing System Decision Support Systems Expert Systems Management Information Systems Office Automation Systems
What is the purpose of a Transaction Processing System?
- Collect, store, modify and retrieve the daily transactions of an organisation
- Batch processing - collects the transaction data into a group and processes it at a later date
- Real time processing - each transaction is completed or processes immediately and provides instant confirmation of the transaction
What is the purpose of a Decision Support System?
• Assist people to make decisions by providing information, models, and analysis tools, e.g. stock market analysis
What is the purpose of an Expert System?
• Provide information and solve problems that would otherwise require a person experienced in that field.
What is the purpose of a Management Information System?
• Provide information for the organisations managers. A MIS presents basic facts about the performance of the organisation.
What is the purpose of a Office Automation System?
• Proved people with effective ways to complete administration tasks in an organisation, using a range of software tools.