Information Structure 1 Flashcards
How does foregrounding / backgrounding information influence discourse?
Discoruse = sequence of utterances in a specific situation (radio interview, lecutures, texting…)
- more focused on meaning (pragmatics) than grammar
- Puts focus on certain things
Different ways of saying the same thing:
- I met Harry last night
- Harry is who I met last night
Information structure concerned with arrangement and markedness of information
How does new / given Information change the status?
1. Harry ate a pizza
2. It was disgusting
- Harry (presuming we know him) and It (the pizza was mentioned in the sentence before)
- unstressed
- definite NP (the pizza)
- reduced to pronouns (it)
- Given info can be a subpart of info that was already given (z.B. Car was mentioned (new info) and then engine mentioned (given)
- Pizza and disgusting
- often stressed (disgusting)
- sometimes additional explanation (PreP or relative clause: “which was disgusting”)
- Referent not yet identified -> indefinite NP (a pizza)
Info might be given without being given:
- A car passed
- The engine roared (subparts)
- The driver was drunk (associate reference)
Assumed shared knowledge - given:
- E.g. the moon or BVB
How does topic / comment Information change the status?
- Harry ate a pizza
- The pizza was disguting
Given information as topic of sentence
- Often it is the just learned new information
- Topic of sentence at the start (syntactic function of subject)
- Not always given info as Topic
- New info can also be Topic
- E.g. As for the pizza yesterday, it was horrible
How does focus / background Information change the status?
Focus carried the most important new information
- Sentence focus (What happend)
- Argument focus (What broke down)
- Predicate focus (What happend to your car)
- Constrastive focus (Which of your vehicles broke down, car or motorcycle)
Focus is difference between addressee’s presupposition and speakers assertion :
- Did Lucy eat the pizza (presupossition)
- No Harry did
-> prosody
How does definite / indefinite Information change the status?
- When speakers asummes referent can identify thing
- Through: givenness, association, uniqueness
- the opposite
- dependet on discourse context
- Referential phrases: refer to one or more particlar entities (the next door neighbour)
- Non-referential phrases: don’t have a specifc referent (a strange person)
- Refer to category of people / things
- E.g. Good chefs are hard to find
- E.g. Harry wants to marry a blonde
- Refer to particular memeber of category
- E.g. Harry wants to marry a blonde. Her name is Mona
-> Table on Folie 24