Information Services Flashcards
Functional reference book
a book designed by the arrangement and treatment of its subject matter to be consulted for definite items of information rather then to be read consecutively
Administrative reference book
a book only in a library
reference source
any material, published work, databas, web site which is used to obtain authoritative information
compilations that furnish information directly
yearbooks, hand books, dictionaries
compilations that refer to other sources
catalogs, indexes, bibliographies
Credo Reference
contents of 531 titles from more than 70 publishers in a variety of subject areas
The African American Experience
an electronic research tool for African American history and culture; includes more than 450 volumes`
Reference collection development policy
policy that require staff to identify the objectives to be met by a collection and define it’s content
Evaluation Criteria
format, scope, relation to similar works, authority, treatment, arrangement, cost
Advantages of print material
straightforward to use, predictable in cost, usable by more then one person
disadvantage of print material
space requires to house print sources, problem in maintaing currency, limitations in search strategies
advantages of microform
save space, preserve content that has continuing value
disadvantage of microform
equipment costs and maintenance, need for user orientation, limit to one user at a time limitations on search strategies
advantages of CDS
complex searching, store large amount of data
disadvantages of CDS
expensive, slow to search, interfaces not standard, lack currency, require workspace for equipment