Info gathering / 7 beliefs Qs Flashcards
CS - Question to isolate the problem? (primary Q)
What’s the biggest challenge right now? Or what’s not working at the level it truly could be or that it should?
CS - Question to isolate the problem? (secondary Q)
Asides from that, is there any other challenge or roadblock that is in the way right now?
CS - list 4 probing Qs regarding the isolated problem
1) Tell me more. What do you mean when you say…?
2) Why do you say that’s the biggest challenge?
3) How has that impacted your life / business specifically?
4) How else has it impacted your life / business?
CS - Question to assess prospect’s current effort
(Gotcha…) so what are you currently doing to try to ___ right now?
- what are you currently doing to try to overcome your limiting beliefs / self-doubt?
- what are you currently doing to find that dream job?
- what are you currently doing to gain clarity what you want to do in life / business?
CS - Question / prompt to chunk down
Can you think of a specific situation?
And could you talk about the specific thoughts and feelings that are going through your mind in these situations?
CS - Question to identify how long the prospect has dealt with the problem
(Gotcha so…) how long has this been going on for you?
CS - Question / prompts to widen the gap
- XY years… wow, I mean… has that had an impact on you? In what way though?
- Has this impacted other areas of your life / business? In what way though?
- Does that put you in a tough spot with (insert other area of life)?
- I sense you might be frustrated by that… (statement)
- What’s the worst part about ____?
CS - Question / prompts to widen the gap - assess with numbers
Like on a scale of 1-10… 1 being “I’m not satisfied at all” and 10 being “this is exactly how I want it”, where do you feel like you’re at?
What does a “3” mean to you specifically?
Does this affect your self-esteem? In what way though?
Can I ask you a personal question? Does this impact (other specific area of prospect’s life (relationship, work, finances etc.)? In what way?
CS - Question to raise doubt that prospect can solve problem by themselves?
Can I ask you an honest question? What do you think has been keeping you from figuring this out on your own? What’s in the way?
CS - Question to check if they are / have been using another solution / method?
- Have you reached out to anyone else to get help with this in the past?
- Are you working with anyone now?
- Have you been out there considering other coaches to possibly work with, too?
- Have you done coaching before?
CS - Question to check costs / why now?
How long has this been a problem for you?
What have you tried to fix this in the past, if anything?
CS - Follow-up-question to check costs / why now if they haven’t tried anything?
- Can I ask you a personal question? So… this has been going on for about XY years now and you’re finally reaching out to do something about it…I’m curious, but why all of a sudden is this important now? What shifted for you? What happened?
** Is there any other reason that this is important now though? - That makes sense. Can I ask you another question? And, I really hate to ask this, but what’s your plan if nothing changes? If you’re still struggling with this XY years from now - what are the consequences for you?
** Would that have an impact on you? In what way?
** Yeah but, why now though?
** (if they give an apathetic response) well who’s decision is that?
** Are you willing to settle for that?
Why not though?
(Last chance) if you’re willing to settle for where you’re at, how do you expect me to help you then as a client?
CS - Follow-up-question to check costs / why now if they have tried everything?
- Wow, ok… Can I ask you a personal question? After all of that… after spending [insert time / money]… trying 5-7 different programs that didn’t work… I mean, I’m curious - what has you continuing what you are doing?
- What about getting / achieving this [insert outcome] is so important to you?
** Why now though?
** How else would that impact you?
** Is there any other reason that this is important?
CS - Questions to check what support they have (partner / spouse)?
- Are you married?
- What would your partner think about this transition/change?
- Is he / she supportive?
- Does he / she know you are on this call?
- What would he / she think if he / she did?
- What does your ____ think of [the problem]?
** Are you guys on the same page?
** Does he / she know you are on this call?
** What would he / she think if he / she did?
DS - Question to ask about their general goal?
Gotcha, so I understand that fixing your problem is a priority. Assuming you are able to figure out your (insert problem)… then ultimately, what’s the goal?
**Probing questions (Tell me more, why is that important, etc)
DS - Question to ask about their monetary goal?
Ok, and you have a monetary goal attached to that?
** You seemed like you hav though to that number before… can I ask, why that number?
DS - Question to qualify their finances
And how much money would you have to have just to REPLACE the amount of income that you’re making full time?
- Is that ultimately the goal? To transition out of that?
- Is replacing enough to allow you to leave? Or how much would you have to be bringing in to be able to leave your current FT job?
DS - Question to check their LT goal?
And overall your long-term vision for [insert context]?
Probing questions: tell me more, what’s important about that, what would that give you?
DS - Question to elicit their bigger ‘why’
Now, can I ask a personal question? And the reason why I’m asking is because my goal isn’t only to help you achieve this goal [insert context and corresponding wealth] - but also one that’s empowering you to live whatever lifestyle that you want to live. So when you - think about - what that is for you… what comes up?
- What are the non-monetary goals - the personal goals - that you want your career to allow you to achieve?
Question to tie down discovery?
Gotcha well I feel like we covered quite a bit of ground here…
Is there anything at all that you feel like we haven’t covered, that you think I need to know?