Info 1 Flashcards
D2AP is a ______ vaccine whereas RV is ____
recombant/MLV; Killed
feline core vaccines-
FVRCP- (Herpes rhinotracheaitis, calicivirus, panleuk), RV and FeLv first year of life
Canine vax sites
RF is D2AP
LF lyme
LR Lepto
What are the landmarks used for retraction of the uterine body?
What are the anatomical landmarks for a dropped pedicle?
Dorsal to the kidneys
Species of roundworms-
Toxocara canis/Toxocara cati
Species of hookworms-
Species of tapeworms-
Dipylidium caninum
Taenia pisiformis
All present in dogs and cats
What are the species of whipworms
Trichuris vulpis found in dogs
Pyrantel pamoate aka strongid aka Nemex tx what kinds of worms?
Rounds and hookworms
Praziquantel aka _____ treats…
Aka Drontal treats tapeworms
Fenbendazole treats what worms? What is the other name for it in small animals?
Treats roundworms, hooks, whips and tapes (only Taenia though), Giardia, and lungworms and lung flukes (only in cats)called Panacur
Interceptor aka ______ tx…
Interceptor aka Mibemycin treats heart worms, rounds, hooks, and whips and external parasites like ear mites, scabies, and demodex
Moxidectin aka _____ treats…
Moxidectin is Advantage Multi- treats heartworms, hooks, whips, external parasites like ear mites, scabies, and demodex
advantage multi is what two drugs
Imidacloprid and moxidectin
Proheart is ____ and only treats this GI parasite
Moxidectin and only tx hooks
Ivermectin treats…..
heartworms, hooks, external parasites
aka HeartGard
What is the tx for hookworms?
Pyrantel, fenbendazole, milbemycin, moxidetin
what is the route of infection of hookworms-
percutaneous, paratenic hosts, transmammary transmission –> dogs
Percutaneous, paratenic hosts–> cats
What parasites can be transmitted transmammary?
Hooks in dogs only, but rounds in both dogs and cats
whipworm tx-
fenbend, milbemycin, moxidectin
what is a parasite that can be transmitted transplacentally?
Roundworms in dogs
What common internal parasite has a longer pre-patent period and mostly affects older pups?
whipworms (Tricuris vulpis)
What is the tx for coccidia?
Sulfa dimethoxine (Albon), Panazuril
Isospora/cystoisospora vs. cryptosporidium–>
Isospora/cystoisospora are unsporulated and large oocysts
Cryptosporidium is sporulated small oocytes
what is required for reptile to absorb calcium?
UVB 290-320
Deficiency of calcium in reptiles=
nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism
Normal USG in cats-
> 1.035
N USG in dogs-
> 1.030
Isostenuria is USG in what range?
Pre-renal azotemia USG
high (so like 1.055 and above)
Renal USG
Isosthenuria USG 1.008-1.012
ferret urinary stones are caused by what?
Caused usually by plant based diets and causes alkaline urine which causes struvite stones
At what age do female guinea pigs require a C-section in gestation?
6 months old
E. ewingii-
caused by Ambylomma americanum tick aka lone star tick and is the most common type of Ehrichila
1-2 weeks post infection will have fever, polyarthritis, lethargy, walking on eggshells, lameness, lymphadenopathy, thrombocytopenia
E. canis
Acute phase is 1-3 weeks post infection with non specific CS that may be self limiting, thrombocytopenia
Can be subclinical for months to years with it appearing to be in a recovering acute phase
chronic phase– signs from immune response consistent with nose bleeds, fever, lethargy, weight loss, retinal hemorrhages, uveitis, ataxia
Ehrlichia test
ELISA detects antibodies and only indicates exposure not necessarily infection
PCR indicates active infection where the DNA Is detected from the blood sample
What is the incubation period for parvo?
4-14 days
pyoderma is most often seen as what under the microscope? What does each thing mean?
Yeast- malassezia
Rods- pseudomonas, E. coli
Cocci- staph
what do we tx pyoderma with?
TX with first line abx (Cephalexin, Clind, Clavamox)
2nd line Cefpodoxime, Cefovecin
Female dog UTI with rods present, what do we think? What do we tx with?
Likely E. coli, Proteus, or Klebisella
Tx with 1st line abx Amoxi
2nd line abx Cephalexin
Male dog UTI–
Prostatitis or urinary calculi causing it, tx with Fluoroquinolone, sulfas, or chloramphenicol
Atopic dermatitis is what type of hypersensitivity reaction?
Type 1; IgE- allergies
Food hypersens. are usually what types of hypersens. rxns?
Usually types 1, 3, and 4
Food trial needs to be how long? What is considered a positive response to a food allergy?
10-12 weeks at least, a positive allergy response is when the allergies completely resolve by 6 weeks
What is apoquel?
Seletive Janus kinase inhibitor- dogs only > 12 months and older, avoid with other immunosuppressives
What are the parts of the periodontium?
Gingiva, cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone
What are the stages of dental disease?
Gingivitis (only reversible stage), early periodontal disease- moderate- to severe
Can only collect ___% of blood from a bird and where can you draw from?
1%; can draw from the jugular, superficial ulnar bone and MT/caudal tibial bone
What are the IVC sites in birds??
Rightlar, basila vein, MT/caudal tibia
In what order should you do optho diagnostic testing?
Shimer tear test (normal is >15 mm/min), Fl. stain, pressures (normal is 10-25mmHg)
What tapeworm requires a higher dose of praziquantel?
What internal parasite egg has only an operculum on one side?
Paragonimus kellicotti (lungworm), will have resp. signs and forms cysts in the lungs
IH is crawfish
What is gold standard for diagnosing anemia?
Reticulocyte count (high means regeneration)