influence of early stages of attachment on later relationships Flashcards
explain the internal working model?
- quality of a child’s relationship with primary caregiver is important and it will affect the nature of future relationships =template
- a child who experiences a loving relationship with reliable caregiver will assume this is how a relationship is meant to be. and will seek out a functional relationship.
explain relationships in later childhood?
-securely attached children tend to form the best quality childhood friendships than those insecurely attached
-bullying behaviour can be predicted by attachment types
-questionnaire on 200 children 7-11, and securely attached children were unlikely to be involved in bullying
and resistent were likely to be bullies
explain the procedure for relationships in adulthood with romantic partners?
- analysed 620 replies to ‘love quiz’ in newspaper
- assessing: most important relationships, general love experiences and attachment type
explain the findings from relationships in adulthood with romantic partners?
- 56% =securely attached, most likely to have good long lasting relationships
- 25% insecure, jealous
- 19% resistant
- supports patterns of attachment are reflected in romantic relationships
explain relationships in adulthood as a parent?
- internal working models affects child’s ability to parent themselves as they tend parenting on their own experiences
- attachment types tend to be passed down through the family
evaluate study that explains relationships in adulthood as a parent?
- Bailey et al assessed 99 mothers w/ 1 yr olds on quality of attachment with their own mothers using interview
- then baby’s attachment to mothers through observation
- mothers who reported poor attachment with own mothers were more likely to have the same with their kids
evaluate evidence on continuity of attachment type being mixed for internal working model?
- internal working models predict continuity between security of infants attachment and later relationships
- HOWEVER..Zimmerman assessed attachment type and infants+adolescent attachment type to parents
- found little relationship btween quality attachment and infant and adolescent attachment
- problem as strong correlation would be predicted
evaluate association not caustion
- implication is that attachment type causes attachment
- HOWEVER… a third environmental factor eg. parenting style may have direct effect on both attachment and ability to form relationships
- may influence attachment and quality of later relationships