Influence of early attachment Flashcards
What is an internal working model?
Our mental representations of what an attachment should look like.
Why is a baby’s first attachment crucial?
If they have a loving relationship with parents, then they will go on to seek functional relationships.
What is attachment type associated with?
The quality of peer relationships in childhood.
What type of attachment form the best childhood friendships?
What attachment type are the most likely to be victims of bullying?
What attachment type are most likely to be bullies?
Bailey’s study - 99 mothers
- Studied 99 mothers and their attachment to their own mothers and their babies.
- Mother-baby attachment was assessed using the strange situation.
- Mother’s attachment to their mother was assessed using an adult interview.
Strength - Research support
- Other studies have concluded that early attachments predict later attachments.
- How strong early attachments are depends on the attachment type and the aspect of later development.
- E.g = disorganised attachments are strongly associated with later mental disorders.
Limitation - Validity issues with retrospective studies
- Most research on the link between early attachment and later development are not longitudinal.
- They don’t reassess the person to see the long term effects.
- Instead they ask people questions about their relationships which causes validity issues.
Limitation - confounding variables
- Some infant attachment studies have validity issues because associations between attachment quality and later development may be affected by confounding variables.
- E.g = parenting style may affect attachment quality and later development.