Inflammatory Myopathies Flashcards
Inflammatory myopathy associated with proximal muscle weakness and a heliotrope rash
From of dermatomyositis associated with calcinosis (juvenile vs adult)
Which autoantibody is associated with calcinosis seen in juvenile dermatomyositis
Autoantibody seen in classic dermatomyositis
Autoantibodies (2) in dermatomyositis associated with malignancy
Autoantibody in dermatomyositis associated with early skin changes and systemic symptoms in adults
Autoantibody in dermatomyositis associated with severe skin lesions and interstitial lung disease
HLA-DRB1 and HLA-B are associated with which inflammatory myopathy?
Inflammatory myopathy classically associated with perifascicular atrophy, vacuolar degeneration and decreased capillaries
Inflammatory myopathy associated with aminoacyl transferase synthase antibodies
Antisynthetase syndrome
Inflammatory myopathy associated with perifascicular necrosis
Antisynthetase syndrome
The most common acquired myopathy in adults >50
Inclusion body myositis
Autoantibody associated with inclusion body myositis
anti-cytosolic 5’-nucleotidase 1A
Inflammatory myopathy associated with HLA-DR3, HLA-DR52, HLA-B8
Inclusion body myositis
Which HLA haplotype is strongly protective against inclusion body myositis
Inflammatory myopathy characterized by the presence of rimmed vacuoles and CD8+ infiltrate of non-necrotic fibers
Inclusion body myositis
Rimmed vacuoles seen in inclusion body myositis are derived from which organelle?
Lysosomal origin
Which immunohistochemical antibody corresponds to tubulofilamentous inclusions seen in inclusion body myositis
Inflammatory myopathy associated with markedly elevated CK levels
Immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy
Anti-SRP and anti-HMGCR are commonly associated with which inflammatory myopathy?
Immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy
Inflammatory myopathy associated with abundant regenerating fibers, pipestem capillaries and lacks lymphocytic inflammation
Immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy
Pipestem capillaries seen in immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy are due to what phenomenon?
Complement deposition
Which autoimmune disease is granulomatous myositis commonly associated?
Which inflammatory myopathy presents as a well-circumscribes intramuscular mass “inflammatory pseudotumor”?
Focal myositis
Are the inflammatory cells seen in focal myositis predominantly CD8+ or CD4+?
Inflammatory myopathy associated with exposure to aluminum in vaccination products
Macrophage myofasciitis