Inflammatory Conditions and Tumours of the Penis Flashcards
What are the categories for disorders of the penis?
1. Congenital anomalies 2, Inflammation 3. Tumours 4. Erectile dysfunction 5. Trauma
Inflammatory conditions of the penis usually involve which parts of the penis
- glans
- prepuce
- urethra
How do inflammatory conditions of the penis usually present?
- Specific: Usually infections
- Non specific
- urethral discharge
- genital ulcer
What is the term for inflammation of the glans?
What is the term for the inflammation of the glans + prepuce?
What is the term for the inflammation of the urethra?
Name viral penile infections?
- herpes simplex
2. human papilloma virus
Name bacterial penile infections?
- Gonorrhoea
- chancroid
- granuloma inguinale
- lymphogranuloma venereum
Name spirochetes penile infections?
Name fungal penile infections?
- due to poor hygiene
An infection by HSV is usually caused by?
Sexual transmission by HSV-2
- But HSV-1 can also cause disease
HSV is characterised by?
- Painful vesicles on mucous membranes and penile skin
- Later ulcerate
Gonorrhoea is caused by?
Neisseria gonorrhoea
- gram negative bacteria
- Sexually transmitted
What is the clinical presentation of Gonorrhoea?
- Can be asymptomatic and go untreated
- When symptomatic cause
- urethral discharge: white to yellow
- dysuria
What part of the penis does Gonorrhoea affect predominantly?