Disorders of Pregnancy Flashcards
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
a pregnancy in which the fetus develops outside the uterus typically in a fallopian tube
- Ectopic pregnancy should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain in a woman of childbearing age.
What are gestational trophoblastic diseases?
a group of tumours that form during abnormal pregnancies
- have a placental origin
Name gestational trophoblastic diseases?
- Hydatidiform Mole
- Complete
- Partial - Invasive Mole
- Choriocarcinoma
What is the aetiology of gestational trophoblastic diseases?
paternal genetic material
What is the epidemiology of complete hydatidiform mole?
1 in 1000 pregnancies
Describe the formation of a complete hydatidiform mole?
“Empty” ovum fertilised by normal sperm
- no maternal chromosomes
What is the clinical presentation of a complete mole?
- Abnormal trophoblast proliferation
- Chorionic villi enlarged – oedematous
- Raised human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) level
Describe a complete mole?
- Placental overgrowth
- Grape-like vesicles
- No embryo
- Grows rapidly
> large for dates - Bleeding
- USS – abnormal cysts
What is the microscopic morphology of an early complete mole (8 weeks)?
- Variable villous oedema
- Cistern formation
- Marked atypia and non-polar hyperplasia of biphasic trophoblast
- Hypercellular stroma
- Stromal vessels appear diminished
What are the complications of a complete mole?
- Persistent trophoblastic disease
- Constantly rising HCG
- Invasive Mole
- Choriocarcinoma
What is the treatment of a complete mole?
- 80 – 90% do not recur
- 10% develop into invasive moles
- 2.5% develop into choriocarcinoma
Describe the follow up treatment for a complete mole?
Monitor serial HCG levels
Describe the formation of a partial hydatidiform mole?
- Occurs when an ovum is fertilised by two haploid sets of paternal chromosomes
- may occur with dispermy when two sperms fertilise a single ovum - when diploid sperm fertilises an ovum
Describe the features of the partial mole?
- Triploid
- Identified histologically in POC
- Usually one maternal and two paternal haploid sets of chromosomes
- Fetus may be present
- Not all villi abnormal
Describe what happens in a partial mole?
- Result is triploidy with 69 chromosomes
- since a maternal set of chromosomes is present, a fetus develops, but it is malformed
- pregnancy rarely goes to term
- choriocarcinoma is a rare outcome of a partial mole