Inflammation-Mesa Flashcards
What cells are most involved in acute inflammation?
What is exudate?
- Leakage of proteinaceous fluid
* High specific gravity
What is transudate?
- Acellular leakage of fluid close to water
* Low specific gravity
Extravasation of PMNs
- Margination - neutrophils go toward walls
- Rolling - tumbling and heaping
- Adhesion
- Transmigration - leukocytes leaving circulatory system
What is a PMN?
A fancy ass Neutrophil
What are secretins?
Adhesion molecules from endothelial cells
What are integrins?
Adhesion molecules from many different cell types
What is chemotaxis?
- PMNs go to site of injury after transmigration
* Regulated by chemokines
What is leukocyte activation make PMNs do?
• Produce eicosanoids such as:
- Prostaglandin
- Leukotrines
- Lipoxins
What are the 9 steps of inflammation?
- Vasodilation
- Increased vascular permeability
- Leakage of exudate
- Margination, rolling, adhesion
- Transmigration
- Chemotaxis
- PMN activation
- Phagocytosis
- Termination
- Main mediator of inflammation
- IgE on mast cell triggers release
- Made in mast cells, basophils, platelets
- Causes: vasodilation, increased vascular permeability and endothelial activation
- Made in platelets
- Evokes NO synthase which generates NO (vasodilator)
- Causes: vasodilation and increased vascular permeability
• Final product results in lysis of membrane of bacteria
Kinin System
• Bradykinin is main component
- Causes increased permeability but results in smooth muscle contraction (painful!)
Clotting factors
- Production of fibrin (coagulation)
* Fibrinolysis - dissolves the fibrin