Inflammation and Wound healing Flashcards
“Acute” inflammation
sudden and short inflammation
“chronic” inflammation
inflammation that lasts a long time
Five cardinal signs of inflammation
- Calor (heat)2. Rubor (redness)3. Tumor (Swelling)4. Dolor ( Pain)5. Functio Laesa (loss of funtion)
What represents the bodies first response to injury?
Slide 11Changes in blood flowexample: Burn, stimulation of nerve transmits signals to smooth muscle to vasoconstrict than dialate relaxing it and allowing blood to rush in…redness,swelling, and warmth of tissue
Increased pressure in capillaries after initial response to injury cause plasma to filter out through vessel walls.
Sludged erythrocytes after plasma is pushed out causes these stacks. Impedes circulation
Pavementing Phenomenon
WBC marginate and become attached to edge of endothelium. They develop elongated protrusions that make them sticky allowing them to adhere to endothelial lining.
group of cytokine, soluble mediator that activates leukocytes and endothelial cells at site
leakage of fluid from the vessels into the interstitial spaces during this time.
Which type of leukocytes are most present in acute inflammation?
Which type of leukocytes are most present in chronic inflammation?
What it the process by which neuts emigrate through vessel walls? 4 step process
- adhesion of PMNs to endothelium2. Insertion of pseudopods between endothelial cell junctions3. Passage through membrane4. ameboid movement away from vessel towards cause of inflammation
What is the active movement of PMNs along the concentration gradient until it reaches the source of inflammation?
How do the PMNs recognize the bacteria, as a precursor to phagocytosis?
attachment is facilitated by immunoglobulins (Fc) and complement (C3b)
What is engulfment, in reference to phagocytosis?
cytoplasm of the PMN surrounds the foreign particle and encloses
What happens to the bacterium after it has been phaocytoasted?
bacterium is killed by bacteriocidal substances,
What is the fate of the nuet once phagocytosis occurs?
Many PMNs die and when mixed with tissue debris pus is formed.
What is purulent or suppurative inflammations?
inflammations dominated by the formation of pus