What is infiltration in hydrology?
Infiltration is the process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil.
True or False: Infiltration rate is the speed at which water enters the soil.
What factors can affect infiltration rate?
Factors such as soil type, slope, vegetation cover, and antecedent soil moisture can affect infiltration rate.
Fill in the blank: Infiltration capacity is the maximum rate at which a particular soil can __________ water.
What is the term used to describe when the soil becomes saturated and water begins to pond on the surface?
Saturation excess overland flow
True or False: Infiltration rates are generally higher in sandy soils compared to clay soils.
What is the term for the process where water moves downward through the soil profile?
What is the relationship between infiltration and runoff in hydrology?
Infiltration reduces runoff by allowing water to enter the soil instead of running off the surface.
What is the term for the movement of water from the soil surface into plant roots?
Infiltration-excess overland flow
What is the equation used to calculate infiltration rate?
Infiltration rate = (Change in soil moisture + Precipitation - Evapotranspiration) / Time
What is the term for the process where water moves laterally through the soil profile?
Lateral flow
Fill in the blank: Infiltration is an important process in hydrology as it replenishes ____________ supplies.
True or False: Infiltration rates are higher in urban areas compared to rural areas due to impervious surfaces.
What is the term for the movement of water across the soil surface?
Hortonian overland flow
What is the term for the process where water moves upward through the soil profile?
Capillary rise