Infertility Flashcards
What is Infertility
Inability to conceive 1 year after unprotected intercourse under 35 years of age or 6 months for over 35 years of age.
What is the difference between primary and secondary infertility
Primary is defined to a patient that has never conceived and secondary for a patient who has conceived previously but is having trouble at the current time.
How long can sperm last in a woman’s reproductive tract?
Sperm can remain viable for 3 to 5 days in a woman’s reproductive tract.
When can a oocyte (egg) be fertilized?
Within 12-24 hours
How should a nurse educate a couple seeking pregnancy?
The couple seeking pregnancy should be taught about the menstrual cycle and ways to detect ovulation. They should be counseled to have intercourse 2 to 3 times a week; or, times intercourse does not increase anxiety, they should be encouraged to engage in intercourse the day before and the day of ovulation. Fertility decreases markedly 24 hours after ovulation
What is considered a normal sperm count for males? pH? What direction should sperm move in?
35 - 200 million; 7.2 (Basic); Sperm should have foward motility
What is a primary sign/s(x) of retrograde ejaculation?
Cloudy urine
How do you assess male ferility
Minimum of 2 analysis must be performed serveral weeks appart.
What are sign and symptoms of uterine malformation or mullerian defects?
Ammenorrhea, irecurrent pregnancy pain, loss of normal functions.
What infertility medication is used to directly stimulate ovarian follicle development? What is given in conjunction with this drug?
Menotropin (Injectable FSH/LH); Injected IM/SubQ; One injection of HcG is given to stimulate ovulation.
What is HcG? How does it work?
HcG ascts on mature follicules to induce ovulation. Releases an egg. Given off in blood stream and urine after implantation.
What is Clomiphene Citrate? What is often paired with Clomiphene to help fertility?
A medication that help a female to make more eggs/ eggs of better quality. Clomiphene promotes release of FSH/LH in pituitary NOT direct stimulation of ovaries. Metformin is often paired with Clomiphene to help with insulin resistance and HcG to release the egg.
What are the advantages to Clomiphene? When do you take Clomiphene?
Clomiphene is Cheap. 1st line drug. Must take within the first 14 days of ovulatory cycle.
What are the disadvantages of Clomiphene?
MUST be monitored with ultrasound, can develop an abundance of follicules. S/E: include vasomotor flushes, adb discomfort, N/V, breast tenderness, ovarian enlargement.
What are the disadvantages and S/E of Menotropins?
Ovarian enlargement, Ovarian hyperstimulation, Local irritation @ injection site, multifetal gestation.
How do GnRH agonist work and what are the S/E?
Suppresses LH and FSH function; it basically stops everything
S/E: nosebleeds, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, myalgia and arthralgia, headaches, mild bone loss
How do progesterone shots effect pregnancy and what should you educate a patient about progesterone shots?
Progesterone shots are given to stimulate uterine lining and sustain pregnancy through the 1st trimester. Nurse must educate patient to soak injection fluid in warm water before administering injection. S/E include breast tenderness, H/A, local irritation of injection site.
When is a post-coital test evaluated and what is being evaluated?
It is evaluated 6 - 12 hours after intercourse and a swab is taken and evaluates the cervical mucus and sperm functioning.
What is a typical appearance of a person that has Turner’s syndrome? (45 X)
Short, broad, streak ovaries, amenorrhea (Spontaneous abortion elevates to a 95% chance of occuring)
What is a typical appearance of a person that has Klinefelter’s Syndrome (47 XXY)
Commonly genectically male, tall, may have breasts and male genetalia.
What is the difference between primatuy annovulation and secondary annovulation?
Primary is a defect in relation to the pituitary/hypothalamus and secondary is a defect in relation to anywhere else (PCOS, Anorexia, thyroid problems, etc.)
What kind of health promotion/primary education can be taught to a patient regarding preconception care?
Nutrition: Healthy diet, folic acid, optimal weight
Exercise & Rest
Avoidance of substance abuse
Attending to family and social needs.
When an assessment/education is being done on a patient in regards to preconception care, what are some risk factors to identify?
Chronic diseases (DM, HTN, Heart disease, asthma), HIV/AIDS, STIs, Vaccine records, Reproductive H(x), Unplanned pregancies and outcomes, Environmental conditions, Readiness for pregnancy, availiability of family or support system.
What are interventions that sould be done/anticipated/taught for preconceptual care?
- ) Cessation or reducation in substance abuse
- ) Immunizations (Rubella, hepatitis)
- ) Exercise
- ) Genetic counceling, family planning services