Infective endocarditis Flashcards
What is infective endocarditis?
-infection of the endothelium of the heart
What are four predisposing factors for infective endocarditis?
Heart valve abnormality:
- calcification/sclerosis in elderly
- congenital heart disease
- post rheumatic fever
Prosthetic heart valve
Intravenous drug users
Intravascular lines
What is the pathogenesis of infective endocarditis?
Heart valve damaged
Turbulent blood flow over roughened endothelium
Platelets / fibrin deposited
Bacteraemia (may be very transient) e.g. from dental treatment
organisms settle in fibrin/platelet thrombi becoming a microbial vegetation
Infected vegetations are friable and break off, becoming lodged in the next capillary bed they encounter causing abscesses or haemorrhage - may be fatal
Usually left side of heart affected (mitral and aortic valves) unless IDU and then it’s right sided
What organisms cause endocarditis in a native heart valve? (4)
Staphylococcus aureus (38%) - IVDU Viridans streptococci (31%) - mouth/dentist Enterococcus sp (8%) Staph epidermidis (6%) - indwelling lines/surgery
What are the unusual organisms that cause endocarditis?
Atypical organisms:
Bartonella, Coxiella burnetii (Q-fever), Chlamydia, Legionella, Mycoplasma, Brucella
-HACEK organisms:
Haemophilus spp. , Aggregatibacter spp, ( was Actinobacillus) , Cardiobacterium, Eikenella sp., Kingella sp.
-Non HACEK gram negatives
Fungi - in immunocompromised individuals/IVDU/IV lines
What two signs = endocarditis until proven otherwise?
New murmur + fever
describe the clinical features of an acute endocarditis? 10
- fever
- new heart murmur
- haematuria (secondary to renal failure)
- rigors
- night sweats
- splinter haemorrhages
- nail fold infarcts
- roth spots
- embolic incidents (TIA/Stroke 15%)
- malaise
Overwhelming sepsis and cardiac failure usually due to staph aureus
In subacute endocarditis what are the clinical features? 8
- fever
- rigors
- murmurs
- palpable spleen (coxiella infection causes large liver/spleen)
- clubbing
- general fatigue
- purpura
- oslers nodes
- janeway lesions (specific for endocarditis)
How is infective endocarditis diagnosed?
For definitive information on making a diagnosis, we have the Duke criteria. This divides symptoms into two categories; major and minor criteria
You can then assess whether IE is present or not.
IE definitely present: 2 major criteria present OR 1 major criteria, 3 minor criteria OR 5 minor criteria
IE possibly present:
1-4 minor criteria
No other more likely diagnosis
What are dukes major criteria?
Positive blood culture for infective organisms (on 2 separate tests if >12 hours apart, or on 3/3 or 3/4 tests >1 hour apart)
-if blood culture is negative consider serology for atypicals
Evidence of IR from other tests:
- Echocardiogram shows strictures, unusual blood flow, implanted /unusual material
- Abscesses
New valve regurgitation
What are dukes minor criteria? 6
Fever >38’C
Predisposition to IE; e.g. IV drug user, congenital heart condition, prosthetic valve
Unusual echo, but not with findings stated above
Immunological factors present; Roth spots, Osler’s nodes, glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid factor
Blood cultures positive, but major criteria not satisfied
Vascular abnormalities; embolism, aneurysm, infarcts, conjunctival haemorrhage, intracranial haemorrhage etc
Describe the differences between transthoracic echocardiography and transoesophageal echocardiography?
TTE: rapid, non-invasive. high specificity but sensitivity only 60-70%. vegetations below 2mm easily missed.
TOE: echo via oesophagus. higher sensitivity 90%. identifies vegetations of 1mm and higher. better view of prosthetic heart valves
When is a TTE used in the diagnosis of infective endocarditis?
in everyone with native heart valves where there’s a clinical suspicion of IE
When is a TOE used in the diagnosis of infective endocarditis?
In those with a prosthetic heart valve
In those with a positive or non-diagnosis TTE
In those with a negative TTE but clinical suspicion is still high
How should blood cultures be taken when infective endocarditis is suspected?
3 sets of optimally filled blood cultures should be taken from peripheral sites
(does not require to be
different sites )
with ≥ 6 hours between them prior to commencing anti microbial therapy
severe sepsis or septic shock
at the time of presentation, 2 sets of optimally filled blood cultures should be taken at different times within 1 hour prior to commencement of empirical therapy,