Infectious Heart Disease Flashcards
List the common etiological agents infective endocarditis:
Most are part of the normal microbiota
Gram (+) bacteria:
- Staphylococcus aureus – anterior nares
- Coagulase-negative staphylococci (e.g. S. epidermidis) – skin
- viridans streptococci (e.g. S. sanguis, S. mutans, S. mitis) – oral cavity
- enterococci (E. faecalis, E. faecium) – GI tract
How do the etiological agents gain access to the endocardium?
Access to endocardium provided by transient bacteremia
How are IE pathogens successful?
- able to survive antimicrobial components of serum
- able to adhere avidly to endocardium
viridans streptococci
- dextran (exopolysaccharide)
- adhesins (surface proteins; FimA, GspB, PblA, PblB) that mediate attachment to platelets and fibrin
S. aureus
- fibrinogen-binding adhesins (ClfA, coagulase)
viridans streptococci
How is vegetation beneficial to IE pathogens?
Life in a vegetation:
- heterogeneous matrix of deposited bacteria, platelets, fibrin, other matrix ligands
- protection from immune cells
- bacteria can achieve high densities
- limitations on nutrient exchange, high cell density – bacteria are not growing rapidly
How do vegetations impact antibiotic therapy?
Implications for antibiotic therapy:
- Bactericidal activity
- parental administration for sustained activity
- long-term treatment required
What does the cell wall determine for bacteria?
Cell Wall (Peptidoglycan) defines shape
spheres (cocci)
- single cells
- pairs (diplococci)
- chains (streptococci)
- tetrads (micrococci)
- grapelike clusters (stapylcocci)
rods (bacilli)
- coccobacilli ⇒ long rods
- comma-shaped (Vibrio) ⇒ 4-20 coils (Spirochetes)
Cell wall:
Gram (+) vs. Gram (-) bacteria
- Gram Positive: Thick Peptidoglycan
Gram Negative: Thin Peptidoglycan
- Crosslinked to the Outer Membrane
- Outer Membrane:Permeability barrier
- Crosslinked to the Outer Membrane
What is the laboratory delineation of IE pathogens?
- **Blood culture **
- Positive vs. Negative
- Cocci vs. Rods vs. Other
- Chains vs. Clusters
- Streptococcus vs. Staphylococcus
- Other tests
List the cell wall antibacterial agents:
- cefazolin, ceftriaxone, penicillin, nafcillin
- vancomcyin
- daptomycin
List the protein synthesis inhibitors:
List the RNA synthesis inhibitor:
Describe the mechanism for β-lactam antibiotics:
block peptidoglycan crosslinking by inhibting PBPs
How do β-lactam antibiotics differ?
Four basic types of β-lactam
- modification at “R” groups alters properties of the antibiotic
How do bacteria resist β-lactam antibiotics?
Mutations in PBPs that prevent binding of β-lactam antibiotics (modification of antibiotic target)
- Most common mechanism of β-lactam resistance found in Gram-positive bacteria:
- Streptococcus
- methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
- Most common mechanism of β-lactam resistance found in Gram-positive bacteria:
How does Vancomycin differ from the β-lactam antibiotics?
- Glycopepetide antibiotic
Mechanism: binds to D-Ala-D-Ala
- Blocks PBPs from transglycosylation/transpeptidation
- Not effective against G (-) due to outer membrane (permeability barrier)
- Used for β-lactam resistant infections (e.g. MRSA) or in patients w/ β -lactam hypersensitivity
What is the mechanism of resistance for Vancomycin? Where are the genes for this found?
- Mechanism of resistance: Modification of antibiotic target
- Bacteria acquire genes encoding machinery to produce altered peptidoglycan structure that lacks D-Ala-D-Ala groups
- contain D-Ala-D-Lac
- Vancomycin is unable to bind efficiently to these modified precursors
- Genes encoding vancomycin resistance are usually found on plasmids or transposons
Describe the mechanism for Daptomycin.
What is its spectrum?
- **Lipopeptide **
- Bactericidal, narrow spectrum (Gram+ bacteria)
Mechanism of action:
- thought to bind to and disrupt the cytoplasmic membrane
- possibly via loss of membrane potential
- leading to death
Describe the mechanism of Rifampin.
How is it useful?
- Bactericidal, narrow spectrum (G+ bacteria)
Mechanism of action:
- binds to and inhibits RNA polymerase to prevent gene expression (inhibits transcription of DNA into RNA)
- Resistant mutants arise due to point mutations in the target of the drug
- RpoB subunit of RNA polymerase
- Not generally used as monotherapy – use in combinations for synergy
- What do the aminoglycosides target?
- What are adverse side effects?
- How are they resisted?
Mechanism of action: bind irreversibly to 30S ribosomal subunit and cause misreading and premature release of ribosome from mRNA
- incorporation of incorrect amino acid into growing protein
- Not good for monotherapy:
- do not penetrate many Gram-positives well
- usually used in combination with a cell-wall-active agent to enhance penetration
- Adverse effects: Ototoxic and nephrotoxic
- Mechanism of resistance: Enzymatic modification of the antibiotic to prevent aminoglycoside binding to the ribosome
Define endocardidtis
inflammatory disease of the endocardium
What is Libman-Sacks endocarditis?
sterile endocarditis
- related to systemic lupus erythematosus
Difference between acute IE and subacute IE:
Acute IE:
- invasive, caused by pathogenic organisms that give rise to a toxic course of disease
- characterized by a more severe and sudden onset than subacute IE
Subacute IE:
- more indolent course of disease caused by less pathogenic bacteria
What are predisposing factors for IE?
- valvular heart disease (rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease)
- prosthetic devices (valves, pacemakers)
- intravenous drug use
What simultaneous events occur that result in IE?
Alteration of valvular surface to produce a site suitable for bacterial adherence and colonization
- trauma
- turbulence
- result of congenital heart defect
Valvular alterations result in deposition of:
- platelets, fibronectin, fibrin, other matrix ligands
- Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis -NBTE
Transient bacteremia enables bacteria to reach the site and adhere, resulting in colonization and persistence
- resulting mass ⇒ “vegetation”