Infectious Diseases of the Female Genital Tract Flashcards
HSV-1 primarily affects:
HSV-2 primarily affects:
HSV-1: oropharynx
HSV-2: skin and mucosa (genital tract commonly)
What do the lesions in HSV look like?
Red papules that progress to vesicles and then ulcers
What are some symptoms of HSV infection?
Systemic signs: tender, malaise, inguinal LNs and painful urination (if near urethra), purulent discharge and pelvic pain (if in cervix or vagina)
-most infected are do not know it!
How long after transmission do HSV lesions develop?
How long do they take to heal? Where does the latent infection occur?
3-7 days
1-3 weeks to heal, then virus travels to lumbosacral nerve ganglia and becomes latent
What causes molluscum contagiosum?
What are prominent sites of infection in kids vs. adults?
What do the lesions look like?
The center of the lesion has a waxy-core. What is found within it?
Poxviruses - MCVs (MCV-1 is most common)
Trunk, arms legs in kids. Genitalia in adults.
Pearly, dome-shaped papules with a dimpled center.
“Cytoplasmic viral inclusions”
Symptoms of vaginal Candida infection include (4)
How is the infection diagnosed? (2)
Is it sexually transmitted?
Pruritis, erythema, swelling and curd-like discharge
KOH wet mount or Pap smear
Not an STI
What kind of infection (bug type) is Trichomonas vaginalis?
When does it develop post-contact?
What are the symptoms?
What is the characteristic colposcopic finding?
Large, flagellated ovoid protozoan infection
4 days to 4 weeks post-contact
Yellow, frothy vaginal discharge, discomfort, dysuria and dypareunia
“Strawberry cervix” - mucosa is fiery-red appearing and there is merked dilation of the cervical mucosal vessels
What kind of bug is Gardnerella vaginalis?
It is the main cause of what?
What are symptoms?
What are the histologic findings on Pap smear?
If occurring in pregnancy, what might ensue?
G- bacillus
Main cause of bacterial vaginosis (vaginitis)
Thin, greenish-gray malodorous (fishy) vaginal discharge
Squamous cells covered with a shaggy coating coccobacilli
Can result in pre-mature labor
What kind of symptoms might Chlamydia trachomatis cause?
Mostly a cervicitis, but it can ascend to the uterus and fallopian tubes and result in endometritis and salpingitis (PID)
What are 2 major bugs implicated in PID?
Do they always cause this?
Neisseria gonorrhea and Chlamydia trachomatis
No, they are often asymptomatic
What histological finding is characteristic of Gonorrheal infections?
What site is usually spared? What can occur in the non-spared sites?
Marked acute inflammation of involved mucosal surfaces
Endometrium is spared. Suppurative processes can occur in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, etc.
What are further complications of the acute complications (peritonitis and bacteremia) of PID? (3)
Endocarditis, meningitis and suppurative arthritis
Morphologic finding of CMV
Intranuclear basophilic inclusions
What bug causes Chancroid?
Who is most likely to get it?
In women, where is the lesion? What does it look like grossly?
What is the morphological finding?
How often is it diagnosed? Why?
Haemophilis ducreyi
Tropical and subtropical regions in areas of low socioeconomic status
In the vagina or periurethral area. The ulcer is covered by shaggy, yellow-gray exudate
A superficial zone of neutrophilic debris and fibrin and an underlying zone of grabulation tissue with necrosis and thrombosed vessels
Underdiagnosed as PCR tests are not highly available and it does not grow well in culture
What bug causes Granuloma inguinale?
Where is it most common?
What is a complication if left untreated?
What is the classic morphologic finding?
What stain is used?
Klebsiella granulomatis (encapsulated coccobacillus)
Most common in developing countries
Extensive scarring, lymphatic obstruction and lymphedema (elephantitis of genetalia)
Donovan bodies - encapsulated coccobacillus in macrophages
Giemsa stain (can also use a Warthin-Starry stain)
Which 4 STIs can result in ulcerative infections?
Granuloma inguinale
Chlamydia serotypes L1-L3 -> lymphogranuloma venereum
Treponema pallidum
How is Chlamydia diagnosed?
Antibodies to the appropriate Chlamydia serotype in serum
Tzanck smear is used for…
What is Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome?
Peritonitis and peri-hepatitis in women, oftentimes due to PID