Infectious diseases Flashcards
What is a septic screen?
- FBC including WCC
- Blood culture
- Acute phase proteins e.g CRP
- U+Es
- Urine sample
- LFTs
- Gas including lactate
- Consider:
- LP
- Rapid antigen screen on blood, CSF, Urine
- Meningiococcal and pneumocccal PCR on Blood/CSF
- PCR for viruses in CSF
What are the red flags for a septic child?
- Fever >38 if under 3 months and fever >39 if 3-6 months
- Colour- pale, mottled, blue
- Level of consciousness reduced, focal neurological signs, neck stiffness, bulging fontanelle, status epilepticus, seizures
- significant respiratory distress
- Bile stained vomit
- severe dehydration or shock
What are the causes of meningitis in
- Neonates-3 months
- 1-6 months
- > 6 months
- Neonates-3 months
- E.Coli
- Listeria monocytogenes - 1-6 months
- Neisseria meningitides (gram -ve diplococci)
- strep pneumoniae
- H influenza - > 6 months
- Neisseria meningitides
- Step pneumoniae
- h. influenza
What is the pathophysiology of meningitis?
Bactaraemia - released into blood
cerebral oedema - raised ICP - reduced cerebral blood flow
Vasculopathy leading to hydrocephalus
What is the presentation of meningitis?
symptoms (6)
signs (6)
Fever headache photophobia lethargy poor feeding drowsiness
- fever
- purpuric rash
- neck stiffness
- bulging fontanelle
- brudzinki/kergnigs sign
- focal neuro
- altered consciousness
- opisthotonus
What investigations for meningitis?
1. LP 2 Blood cultures + PCR 3. blood glucose 4. rapid antigen screen on urine 5. throat swabs * do not delay, start tx
When is LP contraindicated in meningitis?
signs of raised ICP
- focal neuro signs
- papillioedema
- bulging fontanelle
- signs of cerebral herniation
What is the management of meningitis?
- Abx - cefotaxime, ceftriaxone (IV)
- cefotaxime + amoxicillin if under 3 months - steroid - dexamethsasone to reduce frequency and severity of hearing loss + neuro damage
- Fluids
- cerebral mointoring - mechanical ventilation if resp distress
- public health notification + CIPRFLOXACIN for contacts
What is the proohylaxis for meningitis?
- meningiococcal and h.influenza
- Group C meningioccal
- Ciprofloxacin
2. Group C - give MEN C vaccine
What are viral causes of meningitis?
enterovirus, ebv, adenovirus, mumps
What is impetigo and how does it present
What is the cause?
highly contagious skin infection
presents as golden crusted skin lesions, usually around mouth but also face, neck and hands
- can be primary infection
- or it can be secondary to atopic eczma, scabies or insect bites
what are the causative agents? (impetigo)
How does it spread?
- staph aureus and strep pyogenes
- spread by contact with discharge
What is the tx for impetigo?
- topical fusidic acid
- topica mupirocin
- flucloxacillin for extensive infections
exclude from school until crusted or 48hr after starting abx
What is Kawasaki?
What is the main risk for Kawasaki?
Kawasaki is a rare systemic vasculitis
Can lead to coronary artery aneurysm***
MI, myocarditis, pericarditis
What is the presentation of Kawasaki?
- high fever that is ongoing for >5 days, not broken by antipyretics
- conjunctivitis
- bright red cracked lips
- strawberry tongue
- cervical lymphadenopathy
- red, swollen, peeling palms and feet
What is the management for Kawasaki?
- high dose aspirin
- Intravenous immunoglobulins
- Echo to detect coronary artery aneurysm
What is the presentation of measles?
- fever, coryzal, cough, conjunctivitis
- kopliks spot (white spots) on buccal mucosa
- widespread maculopapular rash, beginning behind ears
What are possible complications of measles?
- otitis media
- pneumonia
- encephalitis
What is the management of measles?
- suppotive
- isolate
- immunocompromised - antirectroval
- vitamin A in low income countries
When is measles infectious
what is the incubation period?
prodrome to 4 days post rash
icubation = 10-14 days
How does rubella present?
- low grade fever
- pink maculopapular rash, spreading from face. gone by day 3-5
- lymphadenopathy (suboccipital and pericauricular)
What are complications of rubella?
- arthritis
- encephalitis
- thrombocytopenia
What is the incubation period for rubella?
14-21 days
What is slapped cheek syndrome caused by?
- slapped cheek (erythema infectiosum) caused by parvovirus B19
What is the presentation of parvovirus?
- fever
- malaise
- rash on face,
- spreads to maculopapular rash on trunk and limb
What can parvovirus lead to?
aplastic crisis (when not enough new RBCs made) e.g in sickle cell disease
what does parvovirus fetal disease lead to?
-fetal hydrops, death due to anaemia
What type of bacterium causes diphtheria?
Gram +ve
What does diphtheria bacterium cause?
Exotoxin causes local necrosis and pseudomembrane in nose, tonsils and or pharynx
cervical lymphadenopathy
heart block (necrosis of heart, neural and renal tissue)
How do you manage diphtheria?
What is a risk factor for diphtheria?
recent travel to eastern europe, asia
Which virus causes Mumps?
What is the presentation of Mumps?
- fever
- malaise
- parotitis (first unilateral then bi)) may get earchache or pain on eating
How is mumps transmitted?
via droplets
What investigation result may be raised in mumps?