Cardiovascular Flashcards
What are the two types of atrial septal defects?
Which is more common?
Secundum or Primium
Secundum - involves foramen ovale
What are they symptoms of an atrial septal defect?
can be none
recurrent chest infections/wheeze
arrthymias from 4th decade onwards
What are the signs of an ASD?
What are signs specific to ostium primum?
- Ejection systolic murmur - due to increased blood flow, best heard in upper sternal edge
- Fixed splitting of second heart sound (s2)
- Ostium primum: due to AV valve abnormalities causing regurg - pansystolic murmur
What is the investigations for SD and what do you expect to see?
Echocardiography - Gold standard
CXR- cardiomegaly, enlarged pulmonary arteries
Secuncum: RBBB and RAD
primium: RBBB and LAD
What are risk factors for ASD?
- down syndrome
2. feotal alcohol syndrome
What is the management?
- small - can resolve on its own
- secudnum - cardiac cath and insertion of occlusion device
- primium - surgical
What is the presentation of a small VSD?
- Likely asymptomatic, will
What is the presentation of a large VSD?
- tachychardia
- tachypnoae
- failure to thrive
- recurrent chest infections
- can have enlarged liver due to HF
What sort of murmur can you hear in VSD?
- Pansystolic murmur, louder the smaller the defect
What investigations would you do and what do you expect to see in small and large VSD?
- echo
normal in small VSD
Large VSD
- CXR: cardiomegal, enlarged pulmonary arteries, pulmonary oedema
- ECG: biventricular hypertrophy
What is the management of VSD?
- drug therapy for HF - diuretics and captopril
- additional calorie intake
- surgery 3-6 months to avoid eisenmenger syndrome
What are complications of VSD?
- Eismenger syndrome - pressure in right becomes higher - reversal of blood flow R–>L causing deoxygenated blood to enter circulation = cynaosis (blue peripharies, pallor mouth)
- aortic regurg
- infective endocarditis
- pulmonary HTN (pregnancy contraindicated)
Which conditions carry greater risk of VSD?
- Downs
- Patau
- Edwards
- fetal alcohol syndrome
What is a major risk with ASD?
- paradoxical embolism
- can reach brain and cause stroke
What causes Eisenmenger syndrome?
reversal of a left-to-right shunt in a congenital heart defect due to pulmonary hypertension.
This occurs when an uncorrected left-to-right leads to remodeling of the pulmonary microvasculature,
eventually causing obstruction to pulmonary blood and pulmonary hypertension.
What is Eusengmenger syndrome associated with?
ventricular septal defect
atrial septal defect
patent ductus arteriosus
What are the features of Eisengmenger syndrome?
original murmur may disappear
cyanosis clubbing right ventricular failure haemoptysis, embolism
What is the management of eisengmenger syndrome?
- early intervention
- heart lung transplant
Who is Atrioventricular septal defect common in?
downs syndrome
What does a largeAVSD result in?
- pulmonary htn
- pulmonary vascular disease
What is the presentation of AVSD?
- presents on antenatal scan
- cyanosis at birth, HF at 2/3 weeks
- no murmur heard. detected on echo
- superior axis on ECG
- hepatomegaly, oedema, poor feeding, failure to thrive, tachypnoea