Infectious Diseases Flashcards
Clinical Presentation
Prodrome of 3-4 days prior with 3Cs - coryza, conjunctivitis and cough, and Koplik spots
Maculopapular rash that begins behind the ear and spreads down the rest of the body, becoming confluent
Erythema infectiosum (Slap cheek) Pathogen
Parvovirus B19
Erythema Infectiosum (slap cheek) Clinical Presentation
Bright red rash on cheeks that spares skin around the mouth, progresses to the trunk and limbs
Preceeding fever
Roseola infantum
Roseola infantum
Clinical Presentation
High fever associated with febrile convulsions.
Rash appears on day 4 - erythematous, maculopapular, measles like rash.
Associated with occipital LAD
(similar to measles but without conjunctivitis)
Varicella zoster
Chicken pox
Prodrome 3-5 days of fever, LAD, irritability, anorexia
Widespread pruritis, vesicular rash starting on the trunk and spreading to face, scalp, mouth, conjunctiva
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Coxsackie A
Hand, foot and mouth
Clinical Presentation
Vesicular lesions predominately on the hands, feet and mouth, but also buttocks and genitals. Rash in mouth can interfere with feeding
5-7 days of mild fever
Clinical Presentation
Painful swelling of the parotid gland
Orchitis, pancreatitis
Erythema infectiosum
Lace like pattern
Clinical Presentation
Petechial rash on buttocks
Clinical Presentation
Petechial rash on arms and lips
Preceeding viral infection
Coxsackie (hand foot and mouth disease)
Sores on hands and ulcers in mouth
Fever, malaise, decreased appetitie
Glandular fever
Clinical Presentation
Subtle macular rash, high fever, exudative tonsillitis, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly
Erythema infectiosum
Clinical Presentation
Plaque-like erythematous rash, mainly on the trunk
Preceeding high fever