Infectious Diseases Flashcards
Farmer with new fever, hepatomegaly and AKI
Leptotospirosis (if develops to meningitis, called Weils disease)
Farmers with new fever and ALD
Farmer with new fever, hepatomegaly and atypical pneumonia +/- culture negative infective endocarditis
Q fever by coxiella
Glomerulonephritis in returning traveller from Brazil?
Bloody diarrhoea after travelling. Ulceration on flexi-sig. Confirm with PCR and serology/ stool sample for trophozoites. Treat with metronidazole.
Tropical Sprue
Long stay travellers in Asia, Caribbean and South America. Causes malabsorption diarrhoea.
How is Coxiella burnetii transmitted?
Inhaled in infected dust –> CXR may show multilobar consolidations
Fever, constipation and sparse generalised rash in returning traveller
Which antimalarial treats erythrocytic stage?
Which antimalarial treats the liver hypnozoites stage?
Enteric fever is caused by….
Salmonella typhi - gram -ve rods
Otherwise known as typhoid
Which malarias are capable of dormancy?
Vivax and Ovale
Plasmodoium vivax is found
Africa, central america and india