Infections of the Lower Respiratory Tract Flashcards
What is the most common route of infection for pneumonia?
Micro aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions
What is the most common bacterial cause of CAP?
Steptococcus pneumoniae (Gram + cocci in pairs) 65%
What is the second most common bacterial cause of CAP?
Haemophilus influenzae (Gram - bacilli/rods)
What underlying pulmonary disease puts patients at an increased risk of getting pneumonia caused by h. influenza?
COPD! Cystic fibrosis!
What bacteria are responsible for hospital acquired pneumonia?
Gram negative rods: Pseudamonas*, klebsiella, enterobacter, serratia, achinetobacter, s. aureus
Pneumonia acquired OUTSIDE of the hospital setting and patient is not a resident of LTCF OR a patient who was ambulatory prior to admission who develops pneumonia within 48 hours of initial admission to hospital
Community acquired pneumonia
Pneumonia occurring >48 hours after hospital admission. Often caused by pseudomonas and other organisms found in the hospital.
Hospital acquired pneumonia (nosocomial)
Sudden onset of fever, productive cough with purulent sputum, pleuritic chest pain, rigors, tachycardia, tachypnea
Symptoms of pneumonia (typical)
Bronchial breath sounds
Dullness to percussion
Increase in tactile remits, ego phony
Inspiratory rales and crackles
Signs of consolidation on PE of pneumonia
Chlamydia, legionella, and viruses are all causes of which type of pneumonia?
What should you expect to see on a CXR of a patient with pneumonia?
Lobar pneumonia
If you look at an CXR of a patient who you suspect has pneumonia and you see diffuse, patchy infiltrates (reticulonodular or interstitial), what should you suspect?
Atypical pneumonia
Low grade fever, dry, non productive cough, and extrapulmonary sxs like myalgias, malaise, sore throat, HA, and NVD
Symptoms of atypical pneumonia
What does the PE of a patient with atypical pneumonia look like?
Often normal without signs of consolidation
Which type of atypical organisms causes hoarseness and fever which then turns to respiratory symptoms a few days later?
Which type of atypical organisms causes ear pain, bullous myringitis, a persistent nonproductive cough, and an erythematous pharynx?
Which type of atypical organisms causes GI and neuro symptoms, increased LFTs, and hyponatremia?
If you see abscess formation on a CXR, what organism could be causing it?
S. aureus
If you see that the upper lobe (esp RUL) has a bulging fissure or cavitations, what organism could be causing that type of pneumonia?
What organism causes rust blood tinged sputum?
Strep pneumonia
What organism causes currant jelly sputum?
What organism causes green sputum?
H flu, pseudomonas