Infections Flashcards
What is folliculitis
Infection and inflammation of one or more hair follicles
What is furunculosis?
An acute deep infection of the hair follicles
What are the 2 types of furunculosis?
- Boil – single hair follicle
2. Carbuncle – contiguous hair follicles (collection of boils)
What is impetigo?
Bacterial infection presenting with yellowish crusts on the face, arms or legs and typically caused by either staph. aureus or strep. pyogenes
What is the pathophysiology of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS)?
Epidermolytic exotoxin produced by Staph, causes splitting between desmosomes in granular layer
What is the localised form of SSSS?
Bullous impetigo
What is pitted keratolysis?
Bacterial skin infection of the foot. The infection is normally caused by Corynebacterium species bacteria
What is the treatment of viral warts?
Topical keratolytics (e.g. salicylic acid) Cryotherapy - use with caution in periungual warts
What causes molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV)?
What causes orf?
Parapox virus
What is the common name for herpes labialis?
Cold sore
What causes herpes labialis/cold cores?
Herpes simplex virus
What is the common name for herpes zoster?
What is the common name for tinea pedis?
Athlete’s foot
What is tinea cruris?
Fungal infection of the groin