Infections Flashcards
Vaginal Ecosystem
- what type of pH is normally present in the vagina
- what organism maintains the normal pH of the vagina
Vaginal Ecosystem
- acidic pH in the vagina = normal
- Lactobacilli maintains normal pH of the vagina
Wet Mount
- What 4 things/diseases can be identified
Wet Mount: can identify
- Clue cells (BV)
- Pseudohyphae (Candidasis)
- Trichomonads (Trich)
- WBCs + RBCs `
What is the #1 cause of vaginitis?
1 cause of vaginitis = BV
- What type of vaginitis occurs when there’s decr lactobacilli –> overgrowth of norm flora
- what MC bacteria = cause
- decr lactobacilli –> overgrowth of bacteria = BV (Bacterial Vaginosis)
- MC bacteria for BV = Gardnerella Vaginalis
25 y/o F presents w/ increased discharge. She has had multiple sex partners, has had unprotected sex, and started seeing someone new a few weeks ago. She smokes and douches. On PE you notice copious, thin grey d/c non-adherent to the vaginal wall and a fishy odor.
- Dx?
- What do you expect KOH whiff test to be?
- What do you expect to see on wet mount?
- What do you expect pH to be?
- Dx = BV
- KOH whiff test
- wet mount –> clue cells w/ fuzzy borders
- pH > 4.5
BV Dx & Tx
- What is the gold std for Dx?
- What are 3 options for 1st line Tx for BV
- What is Tx for pregnant women
BV Dx & Tx
- gold std for Dx = gram stain
- 1st line Tx for BV
- Metronidazole (PO or topical applicator)
- Clindamycin (Topical cream) - Tx for pregnant women = PO Metronizadole (PO Clindamycin)
Tx of BV
- what pt edu must you give for pts on PO Metronidazole
- Do you need to treat the partner?
Tx of BV
- PO Metronidazole –> NO ETOH (disulfiram-like rxn)
- DO NOT need to treat the partner
- What type of vaginitis in pregnancy increases risk of PPROM, preterm delivery + chorioaminionitis
- What should be done 1 month after Tx completion
- BV in pregnancy –> increase risk of PPROM, preterm delivery + chorioaminonitis
- 1 month after Tx completion –> test of cure
Vaginitis: Candidiasis
- What is MC organism/cause
- what type of d/c is a/w it
- what is pH a/w it
- What is expected on wet mount w/ KOH prep
- What is general Tx
Vaginitis: Candidiasis
- MC organism/cause = Candida albicans
- thick, cottage cheese d/c
- normal pH (differs from BV)
- wet mount w/ KOH prep –> pseudoyphae + spores
- general Tx = -azoles
Pt presents w/ vulvar pruritus, burning/irritation, dysuria, dyspareunia. Pt admits to recent ABX use, h/o DM + douching. On PE you note thick, white cottage cheese d/c. On Wet mount w/ KOH prep you see pseudohyphae w/tree branch appearance
Dx = Candidiasis
Candidiasis Tx
- What is the PO drug give (x 1 dose, 150 mg)
- What edu must you give pts if prescribing topical -azoles (Ex: Miconazole/Monistat)
- How does Tx differ for recurrent/complicated Candidiasis?
- Should you always Tx if a women is pregnant? What is Tx/type (2)
- What is Tx for C. glabrata
- PO drug = Fluconazole/Diflucan (x 1 dose, 150 mg)
- Topical -azoles (Ex: Miconazole/Monistat) –> no sex
- Tx for recurrent/complicated Candidiasis = longer
- ONLY Tx pregnant women if symptomatic
- TOPICAL Clotrimazole or Miconazole - Tx for C. glabrata = PO Boric acid —> inserted into vagina x 14 days
Pt presents c/o profuse vaginal d/c that is worse w/ menses, dyspareunia, dysuria, + vulvar pruritus/erythema. On PE you note frothy yellow/green d/c and a strawberry cervix.
Dx = Trichomonas
Trichomonas Dx/Tx
- What expected on wet mount
- What is 1st line Tx (including dose)
- Should the partner be treated/why
Trichomonas Dx/Tx
- Wet mount –> MOTILE organism w/flagella
- 1st line Tx = 2 g of Metronidazole PO x 1
- YES partner must be treated b/c transmitted sexually
What 4 STIs should all pregnant women be screened for
STI screening in pregnancy
- Syphillis
- Chlamydia
What are the only 2 organisms that cause mucopurulent cervicitis
only 2 organisms that cause mucopurulent cervicitis
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Chlamydia Trachomatis
Other causes of Cervicitis:
- What types of lesions does HSV cause (2 options)
- What types of lesions does HPV cause + what is there risk of?
Other causes of Cervicitis:
- HSV –> herpes lesion or white plaque resembling cervical CA
- HPV –> condylomata + risk of cervical CA
What type of infxn is caused by an obligate intracellular parasite? –> therefore what test often used to Dx (cultures poorly)
Chlyamida infxn
- caused by an obligate intracellular parasite –> NAAT (DNA test) used to Dx b/c cultures poorly
What is the MC presentation for both men + women w/ Chlamydia?
Other presentations:
- urethritis (both)
- cervicitis (F)
MC presentation for both men + women w/ Chlamydia = NONE (most Asx)
Complications of Chlamydia
- 3 in men
- 3 in women
Complications of Chlamydia
- Men = epididymitis, prostatitis, proctitis
- Women = endometritis (late PPD), salpingitis, PID
What is the main cause of PID + sterility in women
main cause of PID + sterility in women = Chlamydia
First line tx for Chlamydia
- what 2 things can it cause in infants
- what other infxns/dz can it cause
- infants –> neonatal conjuctivitis or PNA
- can cause pharyngitis or reactive/aseptic kkarthritis
Chlamydia Tx
- First line tx
- Why can Tetracylines not be used in pregnant women
Chlamydia Tx
- 1st line = 1 g Azithromycin PO x 1
- Tetracyclines CI in pregnancy –> stains babies teeth
What type of organism a/w gram (-) intracellular diplococci
gram (-) intracellular diplococci = Gonorrhea
Transmission of Gonorrhea/in Neonates
- 3 ways to reduce risk (during sex)
- what type of transmission MC
- what dz does it cause in newborns
Transmission of Gonorrhea
- reduce risk w/ condoms, spermicides, diaphragms
- male –> female transmission = MC
- newborns –> conjuctivits