Infections Flashcards
Consider B. pertussis in patients presenting with cough of > 4 weeks, even those who have been vaccinated.
A false-positive galactomannan enzyme immunoassay can occur from treatment with piperacillin–tazobactam or amoxicillin–clavulanate.
COPD and critically ill patients in the ICU have been identified recently as at-risk groups for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis despite not having traditional risk factors of overt immunocompromise such as prolonged neutropenia or high-dose steroids.
A negative culture from a sputum or BAL sample does not rule out invasive aspergillosis.
Aspergillus terreus is terribly resistant to amphotericin.
What is the characteristic branching angle when Aspergillus is viewed on histopathologic (potassium hydroxide, India ink) stains?
45-degree branching with septations; do not confuse with mucormycosis, which is characterized by 90- degree branching without septations
Which antifungal agents have activity against Aspergillus?
Voriconazole, itraconazole, amphotericin B, and the echinocandins–fluconazole is inactive against Aspergillus species
All patients with candidemia require early dilated retinal examination to rule out Candida endophthalmitis. Echinocandins do not have good eye penetration.
All immunocompromised patients with pulmonary cryptococcal infection require work-up for disseminated disease with serum and CSF cryptococcal antigen and with blood and CSF cultures.
Cryptococcus gattii more often infects immunocompetent hosts and is found in the Northwest United States.
Which antifungal is preferred for treatment of invasive candidiasis in pregnant women?
Systemic amphotericin B; echinocandins and most azoles are category C; flucytosine and voriconazole are contraindicated because of fetal abnormalities in animal studies
Urine and serum Histoplasma antigen studies each has a sensitivity of ~60%, but combined they have a sensitivity of >90%.
Given its clinical and radiographic similarities to sarcoidosis, histoplasmosis must be excluded prior to diagnosing sarcoidosis and starting immunosuppressive treatment.
What extrathoracic findings suggest histoplasmosis as the cause of a patient’s fibrosing mediastinitis?
Splenic and hepatic calcifications
Patients of Korean, Filipino, Japanese, Hispanic, and African- American descent are at increased risk of developing disseminated coccidioidomycosis, even in the absence of immunosuppression.
Blastomyces dermatitidis are broad-based budding yeast.
Which fungal infection has the classic presentation of a rose gardener injuring his finger with a thorn?
Sporothrix schenckii
Name three risk factors for Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) among HIV-infected patients.
CD4+ < 200, oropharyngeal candidiasis, and a history of PCP
Name two alternatives to TMP-SMX for PCP prophylaxis.
CD4+ < 200, Dapsone 100 mg daily, or aerosolized pentamidine 300 mg once per month
Most cases of CMV pneumonia occur in patients with CD4+ < 50.
The prophylaxis of choice for T. gondii is TMP-SMX, the same drug as for PCP.
Nonsmokers with signs of emphysema at an early age should be evaluated for what systemic diseases?
α1-antitrypsin deficiency, HIV, connective tissue diseases
What are two treatment options for excessive inflammation in immune reconstitution syndrome?
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and steroids
Noninfectious causes of cavitary lung lesions:
Autoimmune (Wegener’s,
Vascular (bland or septic
emboli) Infection
Trauma (pneumatocele)
Youth (pulmonary
sequestration, bronchogenic cyst, congenital pulmonary airway malformation)
Nodules seen on imaging Organ spread
Cavitary lesions SulfonAmide antibiotic to
Respiratory symptoms Dirt exposure Immunocompromised Acid fast (weak)
CXR shows infiltrates within a cavity, typically in the parts of the lung that are dependent in the recumbent position (superior segment of the lower lobe or posterior segment of the upper lobes).
The mortality for lung abscess ranges between 5–20%. Larger size is a worse prognostic marker.
Routine bronchoscopy to aspirate lung abscesses is not recommended due to lack of evidence of benefit and potential risk of massive fatal aspiration of abscess contents. If it is performed, requires experienced operator.
Aztreonam, TMP-SMX, aminoglycosides, and ciprofloxacin do not cover anaerobes.
What is the most effective mechanism for generating droplet nuclei?
Coughing—a forced expiratory maneuver that involves the sudden acceleration of air and disruption of a liquid surface and therefore aerosolizing of particles; sneezing, yelling, singing, and loud talking are also ways to transmit droplet nuclei
TB is acquired by inhalation of one or more tubercle bacilli contained in an airborne particle small enough (1–5 μm) to reach an alveolus.
In persons with both HIV and latent TB infection, antiretroviral therapy and prophylactic therapy with isoniazid substantially decrease the risk of developing active TB.
BCG should not be given to immunocompromised persons, including those with symptomatic HIV infection and pregnant women.
In patients with HIV infection, a normal chest radiograph occurs in as many as 11% of patients with positive sputum
Who should get a screening tuberculin skin test or INFy assay?
Contacts of infectious cases, children younger than 17 years, pregnant women, recent immigrants, and health care workers should get a skin test or INFγ assay
Rifampin can stain urine, saliva, tears, and soft contact lenses orange.
Because of the frequency of extrapulmonary TB in HIV-infected patients, diagnostic specimens from any suspected site of disease should be cultured for mycobacteria.
What is the value of checking a pleural fluid adenosine deaminase?
Adenosine deaminase has been shown to have high sensitivity (except in HIV patients) but variable specificity in diagnosing TB pleural effusion
Necrotizing/cavitary infiltrates or empyema should raise suspicion for Staphylococcus aureus.
Diagnostic yield of PCR > culture/antigen detection assays but may overestimate viruses being a cause of community acquired pneumonia since they can be present in the nasopharynx in healthy people.
What causative organism is responsible for pneumonia associated with bat droppings? Birds? Rabbits? Farm animals?
Bat droppings:
Histoplasma capsulatum
Birds: Chlamydophila psittaci (if poultry, think avian influenza)
Rabbits: Francisella tularensis;
Farm animals: Coxiella burnetii (Q fever).
Agents such as Legionella species, mycobacterial TB, mycobacterial pneumonia, C. pneumoniae or C. psittaci are rarely ever colonizers and represent true disease. On the other hand, some organisms are virtually never pathogenic: Candida species, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus aureus, enterococci, gram-positive rods (except Nocardia), H. parainfluenzae.
Elderly patients may present with confusion, failure to thrive, weakness, or delirium and frequently do not have fever.
Follow-up imaging after treatment may not show resolution for up to 12 weeks in certain patients.
Sputum gram stains represent lower respiratory tract secretions when PMNs > 25 and epithelial cells < 10/lpf.
Both macrolides and fluoroquinolones can cause prolonged QTc. Use doxycycline instead (unless patient is pregnant).
20% of nonresolving pneumonia cases are due to noninfectious causes (neoplasm, vasculitis, Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia/ cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, eosinophilic pneumonias, drug-induced lung disease, and pulmonary edema/ embolism). In such cases, bronchoscopy with biopsy is useful, especially in young, nonsmokers with diffuse parenchymal involvement.
What is an appropriate antibiotic regimen for a patient with a prolonged QT and risk factors for drug resistance?
Monotherapy with a macrolide is NOT recommended due to concern for macrolide- resistant S. pneumoniae. Doxycycline plus β-lactam is a good choice.
Staphylococcus epidermidis, enterococci, most gram-positive bacilli (except Actinomyces and Nocardia) are not pathogenic.
Daptomycin does not achieve high concentrations in the lung.
Ceftaroline is approved by FDA for community acquired pneumonia but not if caused by MRSA; not to be used for hospital- acquired pneumonia/ventilator- associated pneumonia/HCAP.
Tigecycline has activity against MRSA but is associated with an increased risk of death, therefore do not use unless other agents are not suitable.
What antibiotic can be used to treat nosocomial pneumonia in a patient with a penicillin and/or a cephalosporin allergy?
Aztreonam; if the patient had a severe allergic reaction to ceftazidime in the past, then cross- reactivity is variable, and aztreonam should not be given until the patient is evaluated by an allergy specialist
Describe Lady Windermere syndrome.
Thin, postmenopausal women with NTM disease; often associated with right middle lobe and lingular bronchiectasis
Mycobacterium abscessus
infection in patients with cystic fibrosis who have undergone lung transplantation has been associated with severe and sometimes fatal disease.