Infection Control Flashcards
3 layers of the skin:
Epidermis, Dermis, Subcutaneous
What is an MSDS:
Material Safety Data Sheet
4 classifications of potentially infectious microorganisms:
Bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites
Microorganisms are:
Microscopic plants or animals. Also, known as microbes. Bacteria can exist almost everywhere…Bodies, clothing, water, surfaces, and even in the air. Study of these organisms are microbiology.
A microbiologist studies:
Pathogenic organisms to prevent the disease.
Nonpathogenic bacteria…harmless or not:
Nonpathogenic bacteria help the body…do what:
Breakdown food, protect against infection, and stimulate the immune system.
Pathogenic bacteria…harmless or not:
Pathogenic bacteria are considered harmful because:
They may cause disease or infection when they invade the body.
Microbes/germs are:
Nonscientific synonyms for disease-producing bacteria.
One-celled microorganisms with both plant and animal characteristics. Some are harmful, some are harmless. Also, known as microbes or germs.
Cocci (pathogenic bacteria) are:
Round-shaped bacteria that appear either singly or in the following groups.
Staphylococci (pathogenic bacteria):
Pus-forming bacteria that grow in clusters like a bunch of grapes. They cause abscesses, pustules, and boils.
Streptococci (pathogenic bacteria):
Pus-forming bacteria arranged in curved lines resembling a string of beads. they cause infections such as strep throat and blood poisoning.
Diplococci (pathogenic bacteria):
Spherical bacteria that grow in pairs and cause disease such as pneumonia.
Bacilli (pathogenic bacteria):
Short, rod-shaped bacteria. They are the most common bacteria and produce disease such as tetanus (lockjaw), typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and diphtheria.
Any of various poisonous substances produced by some microorganisms.
An organism that grows, feeds, and shelters on or in another organism, while contributing nothing to the survival of that organism.
A parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects cells of biologic organisms.
Parasitic Disease:
Disease is caused by parasites, such as lice and ringworm.
Pathogenic Disease:
Disease produced by disease-causing organisms, including bacteria, virus, and fungi.
Systemic Disease:
Disease that affects the body generally, often due to under- or over functioning of internal glands/organs.
Spirilla (pathogenic bacteria):
Spiral or corkscrew shaped. Which causes syphilis, or lyme disease.
Bacteria generally consists of liquid called:
Pus is:
a fluid, created by tissue inflammation, that contains white blood cells, the debris of dead cells, tissue elements, and bacteria.
A local infection is:
Pimple or abscess. Infection that is confined to a particular part of the body and is indicated by a lesion containing pus.
A general infection results when:
The bloodstream carries the bacteria or virus and their toxins to all parts of the body.
Communicable or contagious disease is when:
A disease spreads from one person to another by contact.
Virus is:
A microscopic organism, capable of infesting almost all plants and animals, including bacteria.
Bloodborne pathogens are:
Disease-causing bacteria or viruses that are carried through the body in the blood or body fluids, such as hepatitis and HIV.
Contagious skin disease caused by the itch mite, which burrows under the skin.
Acquired immunity:
Immunity developed after the body overcomes a disease, or through inoculation.
Agents that may kill, retard, or prevent the growth of bacteria.
Showing no symptoms or signs of infection.
Apparatus for sterilization by steam under pressure.