Infection control Flashcards
What is infection control
A term used to describe efforts to prevent the spread of communicable diseases
Cleaning, disinfecting, sterilizing, infection control procedures
Standards apply to remove dirt debris and potential pathogens to aid in slowing the growth of pathogens
Standards require products to kill certain pathogens (bacteria, viruses and fungi) with exception of spores
Standards state that all microbial life including spores must be killed or destroyed
Cleaning is the preparation step for what kind of items
No porous ; removes number and slows growth of pathogens on both porous and non porous surfaces
Performed on non critical objectshobjects that come in contact with non broken skin)
T/F: Cleaning kills pathogens
False; cleaning alone does not make tools safe for use
Reduce pathogens on surfaces that are non porous
Applied to skin to reduce pathogens; also called waterless sanitizers
What is the minimum percentage of alcohol that can be used as an antiseptic for the skin
Must Use trash can containers that have what
Solid sides, a lid, and a liner
Material that allows liquid or air to pass through
Non porous
Material that has no pores and does not allow liquids to be absorbed or passed through
What are the ventilation guidelines?
Maintain 70 degree temp
Supply air mechanically
Vent air to avoid mostly stale odor
Change air filters as needed
Provide local exhaust
Use fan unit strong enough to draw or blow away chemical vapor
Chemical products used to kill certain pathogens with exception of spores
Contact time
Amount of time a disinfectant product needs to be in direct contact with item to properly disinfect
Occupational safety and health administration
Enforces safety and health standards in the workplace and product labeling
Hazard communication standard; requires employees to be informed of dangers of materials used and exposure they may have
Safety data sheet; designed to provide key information about a specific product
Ability to produce results ; effectiveness
Environmental protection agency;
Approves efficacy of products,
EPA registration number
Given to product along with approval of efficacy claims
Ensures product is verified and filed
Blood borne pathogen
Infectious microorganisms in human blood that cause disease
OSHA blood borne pathogen standard
Requires use of EPA registered bactericidial viricidial and fungicidal disinfectant labeled as effective against HBV and HIV
EPA registered disinfectant
Chemical products assigned by the EPA as being effective on non porous surfaces to control the spread of disease
EPA approved forms of disinfectants for industry use
Solutions wipes sprays
Solution uses
Various dilutions depending on purpose; for no porous tools and work surfaces