Infection Flashcards
True or False:
Cats can be seroposotive for leptospirosis but do not shed organism in their urine.
False – can be urine PCR+, consistent with urine shedding
JFMS 2021, Bourassi
Over half of dogs treated with leptospirosis will have a negative urine PCR by what time frame?
1-2 weeks
JVIM 2021, Hetrick
In one study from 2021, which two abx were most successful for treating lepto?
A) Aminopenicillins
B) Doxycycline
C) Fluoroquinolone
D) Clarithromycin
E) Chloramphenicol
Doxy, clarithromycin
JVIM 2021, Hetrick
In one study from 2021, which two abx were least successful for treating lepto? What is an interesting point about each?
A) Aminopenicillins
B) Doxycycline
C) Fluoroquinolone
D) Clarithromycin
E) Chloramphenicol
Aminopenicillins – would not expect success at all, since thought of as clearing lepto from blood but not renal tubules
Fluoroquinolones – another study found better success, r/o different serovars
JVIM 2021, Hetrick
–Which endothelial marker(s) (sICAM-1, VEGF, Ang-2) can discriminate lepto dogs with and without pulmonary hemorrhagic syndrome?
–Which can differentiate lepto vs other causes of AKI?
–None – similar elevation in lepto and AKI
JVIM 2021, Sondregger
Regarding bartonella:
–Gram positive or negative?
–Three most common species in N. America?
–Which are considered pathogenic?
–In general, what types of diseases are associated with it?
–Gram neg
–B. vinsonii subsp berkhoffii, B. henselae, B. koehlerae
–All are pathogenic
–Endocarditis, vascular and lymphatics issues, granulomatous disease
JVIM 2021, Lashnits
Where in the US is bartonella most common?
South (Texas to N Carolina)
JVIM 2021, Lashnits
Which is the most accurate test for septic peritonitis?
–Paired peripheral/effusion glucose
–Paired peripheral/effusion lactate
–Cytology (read by pathologist)
–RIA for bacteria
RIA sens 87%, spec 76% – not good enough to rely on by itself
JVIM 2021, Human
A 2yr MN DSH is presented for pelvic limb lameness. Physical exam also reveals retained deciduous teeth and multiple digits are swollen and inflamed around the nails. What is your primary differential? What is the most effective treatment for the nailbeds?
Patellar fracture and dental anomaly syndrome (PADS)
Paronychia – most need amputation
JFMS 2021, Pilot
Regarding schistosomiasis:
–Causative agent? (species, type of organism)
–Life cycle?
Heterobilharzia americana – trematode
Racoon –> eggs in feces –> fresh water –> snails –> cercariae penetrate intact skin of new host –> lungs –> liver –> mesenteric veins –> adults mate –> eggs make proteolytic enzymes to get to intestines (pyogranulomatous inflamm) –> feces
JVIM 2021, Cridge
Regarding schistosomiasis:
–Common signalment?
–Common presentation?
–How do you find asymptomatic dogs?
–Young to middle aged large breed dogs (likely reflects exposure to water, outdoorsy activities)
–Nonspecific GI signs, PU/PD; hepatopathy
–Asymptomatic dogs are usually in the same community as symptomatic dogs (exposed to same water source)
JVIM 2021, Cridge
JVIM 2021, Graham
Regarding workup of schistosomiasis:
–Most common CBC/Chem findings?
–CBC: anemia, eosinophilia (40%)
–Chem: high glob (40%), Ca, LEs, azotemia; low alb (25%)
–AXR: mineralized GI walls, hepatosplenomegaly
–AUS: heterogenous SI wall layering; pinpoint hyperechoic foci in SI, liver, LNs
JVIM 2021, Cridge
What are the two main tests used to diagnose schistosomiasis, and how do they compare to each other?
Fecal saline sedimentation and fecal PCR. The latter is more sensitive (so probably better for tx monitoring) and equally specific.
JVIM 2021, Cridge
What is the treatment for symptomatic schistosomiasis? Cure rate? Outcome if not initially cured?
One small study treated asymptomatic dogs. How did tx differ and how many were durably cured?
Symptomatic: High dose praziquantel x1-3d + fenbendazole x4-14d. Tx failure ~50% (but not all dogs were re-tested – possible bias to refractory cases), all re-treated and cured. May be due to parasite life cycle, reinfection, etc.
Asymptomatic: lower dose prazi (b/c expensive) + fenbendazole
67% durably cured
JVIM 2021, Cridge
JVIM 2021, Graham
Which time interval(s) should follow up testing be done to ensure clearance of schistosomiasis?
What is the survival rate at 6mo?
1 and 2mo
At least 75% survived to 6mo (long term outcome only available for ~1/2 of dogs in the study)
JVIM 2021, Graham
True or False:
Immunocompetent cats rarely develop clinical toxoplasmosis.
JVIM 2021, McKenna
True or False:
A positive toxo IgM titer means the cat was infected within the previous 2 weeks.
False – can take 4-10 weeks. Also, may never develop IgM (20% of cases).
JVIM 2021, McKenna
True or False:
Persistently high toxo IgG titers are suggestive of treatment failure.
False – can remain high despite adequate treatment
JVIM 2021, McKenna
Regarding Cytauxzoon felis:
–What type of organism is this?
–How is it transmitted?
–Natural reservoir?
–Typical duration of disease in domestic cats?
–What is the only point of care test and the best sample type(s) for it?
–Amblyomma americanum (lone star tick)
–Rapidly fatal
–FNA –> schizont-laden macrophages. Looks kind of like the macrophage ate a clump of platelets. Most frequently found in spleen > PLN > blood smear.
JVIM 2021, Sleznikow
Regarding Chagas disease:
–Causative agent species and type of organism?
–Where is it endemic in the US?
–Target organ?
–Most common clinical sign?
–Do dogs usually die in the acute or chronic phase?
–Trypanosoma cruzi (protozoan)
–Southern US (Texas and east)
–Kissing bugs or vertical
–Heart –> myocarditis
–Usually presented for arrhythmia
JVIM 2021, Matthews
Regarding Chagas disease (T. cruzi) heart workup:
–What proportion have an abnormal ECG? What two types of arrhythmia are most common?
–What proportion have heart chamber enlargement? Which is most common? Is this associated with outcome?
–Is cTnI usually normal or high?
–95% have abnormal ECG, usually ventricular arrhythmia or AV block
–63% have at least one enlarged chamber. RV most common and associated with higher risk of death.
–cTnI usually high
JVIM 2021, Matthews
How is Chagas disease (T. cruzi) diagnosed?
Usually IFA (degree of titer not proven to correlated with clinical disease)
PCR is not great since primarily an intracellular parasite
JVIM 2021, Matthews
Regarding Leishmania:
–Causative agent and type of organism?
–Where (worldwide) is it endemic?
–Where is it most common in the US?
–Why are foxhounds overrepresented in the US?
–If a non-foxhound dog is diagnosed in the US, how did they usually get it?
–How is it usually diagnosed? What other organism can cross react with this test?
–Leishmania infantum, protozoa
–Central and S. America, Europe (esp Spain)
–US: West coast (esp CA), eastern US
–Foxhounds –> vertical transmission
–Non-foxhounds –> most (but not all) have traveled to endemic area (imported rescues, military dogs)
–Titer (T. cruzi can cross-react)
JVIM 2021, Gin
True or False:
Disseminated invasive aspergillosis usually only occurs in immunocompromised cats.
How is it likely transmitted?
Inhalation –> lungs –> hematogenous spread (angiotrophic), also hitches a ride in monocytes –> LNs
JVIM 2021, Cormack
Regarding Valley Fever:
–Causative agents, type of organism?
–Are infections usually clinical or subclinical?
–Primary body site affected? Proportion that develop disseminated disease? How long can this take to happen after initial infection?
–Coccidioides immitis or posadasii, dimorphic fungi
–Inhale arthroconidia
–Usually subclinical
–Most cases are respiratory, 25% disseminated (can develop weeks to years after initial infection)
JVIM 2021, Reagan
JVIM 2021, Kelley
Regarding Valley Fever diagnosis:
–Gold standard? Drawbacks?
–Serology sens/spec, drawbacks?
–Ag test types, pros and cons?
–Gold standard = cyto, histo, culture; low sensitivity, not usually pursued clinically
–Serology (AGID) near 100% sens/spec at UC Davis (not necessarily elsewhere), but expensive and takes 1 week, 5-10% of cases don’t seroconvert
–Ag test (MiraVista EIA) – good test (sens 89/spec 97), takes 2d
–Lateral flow assay (LFA) – fast (30 min) and easy to do, good screening test (some false negatives but a positive is usually trustworthy)
JVIM 2021, Reagan
JVIM 2021, Kelley
What is the first line treatment for coccidiomycosis? Typical duration?
One small study looked at an alternative treatment for refractory cases. What was it, and the success rate? How should treatment be monitored?
First line: fluconazole + itraconazole x 6-18mo
Refractory cases: posaconazole, median 18mo. Therapeutic drug monitoring to tailor dose ($$, potential for hepatotoxicity). 8/8 dogs clinically improved, 6/8 resolution of disease, 2 ultimately died.
JVIM 2021, Schubitz
Regarding CNS coccidiomycosis:
–Typical signalment?
–Clinical signs?
–Typically very high or very low titers?
–Typical MRI?
–Less common form on MRI and associated breed?
–Young, large breed – though can happen in geriatric dogs
–Sudden onset tonic-clonic seizures, esp clusters
–Most have low titers
–Typical MRI: single > multiple intraparenchymal granulomas
–Secondary type: bilaterally symmetrical T2 and FLAIR hyperentensity in the caudate nuclei and frontal lobes, usually mini schnauzers
JVIM 2021, Kelley
You are seeing a dog with CNS coccidiomycosis as a second opinion. He is not responding to compounded fluconazole, phenobarbital, and carprofen. How to you alter his treatment plan and why?
–Switch to generic fluconazole – compounded doesn’t work
–Transition to another antiepileptic – shouldn’t use flu+pheno together long term (CYP450)
–Discontinue carprofen – decreases clearance of fluconazole –> hepatotoxicity
JVIM 2021, Kelley
Prognosis for CNS coccidiomycosis? What is a poor prognostic indicator?
> 80% do well for >1yr
Worse prognosis with ventriculitis (leads to obstructive encephalitis)
JVIM 2021, Kelley
What are the pros and cons of the following tests for blastomycosis diagnosis? Which is the gold standard? Which can be used for tx monitoring?
–Organism ID (cytology, histo)
–Organism ID = gold standard, but not always safe/practical
–Serology (AGID) – poor sensitivity, not really used
–Ag (EIA MiraVista) – galactomannan, urine sens/spec very high (better than blood) but cross reacts with histo; decreases with successful tx
JVIM 2021, Motschenbacher
Regarding blastomycosis:
–Most common cause of death?
–Most deaths occur during which time frame?
–What test provides the best prognostic information?
–Cure and relapse rates?
–Respiratory failure
–75% of deaths are in the first week of tx
–Radiographic lung severity score is prognostic. Lower baseline urine Ag (<5ng/mL) may be prognostic as well, unclear if offers more info than RLS score.
–Cure 50-75%, relapse 20-25%
JVIM 2021, Motschenbacher
Regarding disseminated mold infection with Rasamsonia argillacea:
–Typical signalment?
–Most common body site(s) affected?
–How diagnosed?
–Conventional morphology/microbiology can be misleading. R. argillacea is frequently misidentified as what other organism? How would this adversely affect treatment?
–Overall prognosis?
–FS German shepherds
–Discospondylitis, some fungal granulomas
–Looks like disseminated asper, which is treated with posa or voriconazole – but R. argillacea is fairly resistant to this (amphotericin B is better)
–Prognosis is guarded to poor; half euth/died during initial hospitalization, survivors MST 10mo, none lived >2yrs
JVIM 2021, Dear
A large study (3600 animals) looked at whether COVID could infect and kill cats/dogs. What did they conclude?
A miniscule proportion were positive, even fewer died around the time they were positive, may have contributed to death in 1 dog and 1 cat, in general critical illness could be fully explained by the pet’s other comorbidities.
SO – COVID+ status was usually incidental, interpret test with caution in critically ill pets.
JAVMA 2021, Carpenter
In a small study of 4 cats with dry FIP and associated neuro disease treated with GS drug:
–How many did well?
–How does the dose for neuro dry FIP compare with the dose to treat wet FIP? (same, lower, higher)
–How quickly do signs improve after starting tx?
–Much higher dose needed for neuro dry FIP (for adequate CNS penetration)
–24-36 hours
JVIM 2020, Dickinson
Regarding Tritrichomonas foetus:
–Risk factors? (Signalment, housing)
–Most sensitive test?
–Sample collection method to maximize chance of a positive? Why might this be most effective?
–Treatment of choice?
–Young, purebred (esp Abyssinian); NOT multicat household (but this conflicts with other studies)
–Fecal PCR
–Fecal loop 2x more likely to have pos PCR than colon flush. Might be collecting organism from epithelial lining where they like to live.
–Ronidazole – but there may be issues with fully clearing the organism
JVIM 2020, Hedgespeth et al
Regarding endocarditis:
–Which carries a better prognosis: infected mitral or aortic valve?
–Top three culturable causes?
–Mitral – MST 476d. Aortic MST 3d.
–Staph, strep, E. coli
JVIM 2020, Ernst
Regarding Bartonella endocarditis:
–Which valve does it tend to infect?
–Do you expect a positive or negative blood culture? Why?
–What is the typical treatment and duration of tx?
–Neg – grows too slow
–Doxy +/- baytril x 6-8 weeks or for life
JVIM 2020, Ernst
List at least 5 differentials for eosinophilic effusions. Which is the most common cause?
–Neoplasia (LSA, MCT, HSA) – most common
–Parasites (HW, lungworm)
–Hypereosinophilic syndrome
–Liver lobe torsion
JVIM 2020, Piech
What is the most common pathophysiologic cause of pleural effusion associated with coccidiomycosis?
Dissemination involving the pericardium –> adhesions –> constrictive pericarditis –> R CHF
JVIM 2020, Piech
True or False:
A slow kill protocol for heartworm (monthly Advantage Multi + doxycycline) has similar outcomes compared with gold standard (doxy, monthly macrocyclic lactone, melarsomine) but takes longer for clinical cure.
False. Cured the majority of dogs BUT took 10mo, during which there was ongoing damage with very little difference in bloodwork, imaging, and necropsy in treated dogs vs untreated controls. It is not an equivalent protocol compared with the gold standard.
JVIM 2020, Savadelis
What is the frequency of pulmonary bullae in untreated heartworm dogs? What is a potential sequela?
50% sometime in the first 10mo. Can rupture –> pneumothorax.
JVIM 2020, Savadelis
You diagnosed a dog with chronic hepatitis and want to start him on immunosuppressants. Last year, he had acute E. canis infection which was treated. Should you be concerned about reactivating occult E. canis?
No. A study of 7 experimentally infected and treated dogs had no E. canis reactivation when immunosuppressed. But, may not apply to chronic E. canis dogs (harder to clear).
JVIM 2020, Sato
Which is/are prognostic indicators in cats with panleukopenia?
–Acute phase proteins
Low T4
JVIM 2020, Petini
True or False:
D-Lactate in parvo dogs correlates with survival.
JVIM 2020, Venn
Regarding tests for lepto:
Which are NOT helpful?
Which can be positive due to vaccine?
Blood PCR
Urine PCR
Dark field microscopy
Urine culture
Not helpful: dark field microscopy (low sens, special equipment), urine culture (takes a month)
MAT - can be positive with vaccine, though typically titer wanes by 4mo
VCNA 2019 Reagan