Infant G/D Flashcards
How much weight will an infant lose 3-4 days after birth
what is the causes of weight loss of an infant post birth
- withdrawal of hormones from mother
- loss of excessive extra cellular fluid
- passage of meconium (feces) and urine
- Limited food intake
Size of newborn stomach at days 1;3, wekk 1; and 1 month
day 1 : cherry - 5-7 ml
day 3 : walnut - 22-27 ml
1 week: apricot - 45-60 ml
1 month: egg - 80-150 ml
newborn vs 1 yr: RR;HR;BP
NB: RR = 30-60 min; HR 120-160; BP 80/40
1yr: RR = 23-30;HR 100-120: BP 100/60
how long is fetal hemoglobin present in infants
5 months
T/F fetal hemoglobin has a shorter lifespan of RBCs but carries more O2
when does maternal iron stores diminish
5-6 months
When does digestive enzymes begin to function in infants
3 months - 6 months
why do infants drool
poorly coordinated swallow reflex
when do amylase and lipase begin functioning
4-6 months
Vision Growth @ birth to 1M
- follows object to midline
- can see 8-10 inches away
- prefers black/white images
Vision @ 2M
can lift and look BUT CANNOT cross midline
Vision @ 3M
interested in faces
begins to associate with visual stimuli and events
Vision @ 4M
hand regard;
recognizes familiar objects;
follows parents
vision @ 6M
directed reach;
depth perception
Vision @ 10M
Object Permanence
Hand control @ 7 months
can transfer objects from hand to hand
Hearing @ 3-6M
localizes sound:
begins to understand FEW words
hearing @ 6-12 months
says first meaningful word
hearing at 12M
hears and follow simple commands
When does the first deciduous tooth occur
5-6 M
Taste in infants
well developed as bitter and sour fluids are resisted while sweet is accepted
Head control @ 1 M;3M;4-6 M
1= marked head lag 3 = can hold head up 4-6 = well established head control
Age at which infant rolls from belly to back
Age at which infant rolls from back to belly
Infant can sit with support
by 6M
infant can sit alone leaning forward on their hands for support
by 7M
infants can sit unsupported
by 8M
Infant can go into a sitting position from prone or supiine
by 10M
Why is tummy time important
helps can control of muscles in head and neck
Infant locomotion @ 4-6M; 6-7M; 8-10M; 9 M 11M; 10-12M ; 12M
4-6 = increased coordination in arms; able to push themselves backwards with arms
6-7 = can bear all of their weight on legs
8-10 = can crawl forward on belly first
9 = stands holding furniture
11 = able to creep on hands and knee
10-12M = Cruises ; can sit from upright position
12 M = walks well with one hand held
When do most babies walk well
by 15 months
are walkers recommended for infants
NO; can put them at risk for injury
hands are predominantly closed around what age
1 month
when to infants desire to grasp
3 months
two handed; voluntary grasps are seen around
5 months
intentionally bringing things to mouth
4-6 months
age when infant will hold bottle, and grasp feet
6 months
infant will transfer from hand to hand
when do pincer grasp begin to develop? and when are they refined?
develops by 8-9 M and refined by 11-12M
Presentation (head, body movement) @ 2 months
Holds head erect in mid-position;
turns from side back
presentation (head,grasps) @ 3 months
hold head erect and steady;
presentation @ 4 months
sit with adequate support / roll over from front to back / hold head erect and steady while in sitting position / bring hands together in midline and plays with fingers / grasp objects with both hands
presentation @ 5 months
balance head well when sitting / sit with slight support / pulls feet up to mouth when supine / grasp objects with whole hand / hold one object while looking at another
presentation @ 6 months
sit alone briefly / turn completely over / lift chest and upper abdomen when prone / hold own bottle
presentation @ 7 months
sit alone / hold cup / imitate simple acts of others
presentation @ 8 months
sit alone steadily / drink from cup with assistance / eat finger foods
presentation @ 9 months
rise to sitting position alone / crawl (ARMY CRAWL) / hold one bottle with good hand-mouth coordination
presentation @ 10 months
creep well / walk but with help / brings hands together / object permenance
presentation @ 11 months
walk holding on furniture
stand erect with minimal support
presentation @ 12 months
stand alone for variable length of time / sit down from standing position alone / walk in few steps with help / pick up small bits of food and transfer them to mouth
kohlberg stage of infancy
preconventional morality-obedience and punishment orientation
erikson stage of infancy
trust vs mistrust
piaget stage of infancy
4 substages of sensorimotor in infancy
reflexive - birth - 1m
primary circular reactions - 1m -4m
secondary circular reactions 4m-8m
coordination of secondary 9m-12m
what influences infant sexuality
heightened oral sensitivity / skin to skin contact / acceptance by parents
In social development of an infant what does Attachment depend on
ability to discriminate the mother from others and on the development of object permanence
waht is parent infant attachment critical to
mental health
what are 4 things we see in social development of infants
crying brings attention / smiling in response to others smiling / fear of strangers / responds to their name
behaviors that influence attachment
different crying, smiling, and vocalization / crying when mother leaves room / looking more at mother / approaching through locomotion / clinging / exploring away but using mother as a base
what age is social smile seen
6-8 wks
social development @ 1 wk;6-8 wks; 3M; 6M; 7M
1 wk = show preference for human face / 6-8wk = social smile / 3M = show excitement at new things / 6M = personable and interactive / 7M = imitate actions and noises; shows displeasure
social development @ 8M; 10 M; 12 M
8M = imitating sounds usually constants first
10M = play games like pat a cake and peekaboo
9-10 M = understand simple commands
12M = very interactive; show pleasure and displeasure; do somethings themselves
Can infants go through social withdrawls?
yes, during first 3 years if prolonged separation occurs physical growth may slow, and more prone to sickness
stages of social separation withdrawl
protest / despair / detachment
what is reactive attachment disorder
occurs after maladaptive or absent attachement
what may reactive attachment disorder lead to
antisocial behavior
what age does stranger fear occur
6-7 months
what age does separation anxiety occur
9-10 months ; peak around 12 months
when is hearing and touch well developed
at birth
sight is not fully developed until when
6 years
smiling happens at what age
searching and turning head to locate sounds happends by
taste preferences happen by
responds to own name by
able to follow objects by
can vocalize 4 words by
1 Year
When are emotions beginning to be recognizable
10-12 months
What stress out an infant
loss of caregivers
loud noises
sudden movements
infants sleep in first 4 months
16-20 hrs
sleep by 5 months
sleep through night with 2 daytime naps
play in 3-6 month
shows discriminant interest; 4 months laugh aloud
focus on sensory stimulation
solitary play
play 7-12 months
discriminate between who and what they play with
focus on sense of security; sensory stim ; gross and fine motor stim ; begin causal relationship; object permanence
becoming more interactive
(blocks, nesting toys, Soft rubbery ball)
crying in first 3 weeks
1 to 1.5 hrs/day
crying @ 6 weeks
2-4 hrs /day
vocalization begins at
5-6 wks
Language @ 2M
coos, cry is differentiated
Language @ 3-4M
consonant sounds, laughs alound
Language @ 5-7 M
vowel sounds
Language @ 8M
imitating sounds, combining syllables
Language @9-10 m
understand simple commands and “no”
Language @12 m
can say 3-5 words with meaning BESIDES mama and dada
red flags in infant development
Unable to transfer objects from hand to hand by age 1 year
Abnormal pincer grip or grasp by age 15 months
Unable to walk alone by 18 months
Failure to speak recognizable words by 2 years.
patterns of temperament in infants
Easy Child / Slow to Warm Up / Difficult child /
infant discipline happens around what age