INESSS AOM Ped Flashcards
History taking for AOM. (8)
1- Daycare?
2- Recent ATB tx? (Resistance?
3- How many AOM in the past? (Could refer to ORL PRN)
3- Onset? (Recently abrupt?)
4- Immunizations UTD?
5- Other health problems? (Immunodeficiency, chronic cardiac or pulm disease, head or neck abnormalities)
6- How high was fever at home? (If over 39, would be considered severe symptoms)
7- Does pain seem to interfere with sleep or normal activities? (Criterea for diagnosis)
8- Known allergies?
Name 4 preventive measures for AOM:
1- Breastfeeding exclusively until 6mo age.
2- Smoke free
3- Nasal hygiene for child’s age
4- follow immunization schedule
3 features that need to be present for AOM diagnosis.
1- Recent abrupt onset of signs and symptoms
2- Mucupurulent effusion in middle ear
3- Middle-ear inflammation
Name 4 physical findings what would indicate mucopurulent effusion of middle ear.
1- Bulging of tympanic membrane
2- Tympanic membrane coloured or opaque
3- Otorrhea not d/t external otitis
4- Mobility of tympanic membrane absent or limited.
Name 2 findings that would indicate middle-ear inflammation. (1 physical, 1 historical)
1- Marked erythema of tympanic membrane
2- Otalgia (evidence of pain in ear that interferes with normal activities or sleep)
Name 3 complications of AOM:
1- Central nervous system change
2- Facial paralysis
3- Retroauricular swelling
Name 3 red flags for AOM:
1- Infant under 3mo of age with fever 38
2- Suspicion of meningitis or mastoiditis
3- Toxicity or impairment of general condition
Name signs of mastoiditis.
1- Postauricular tenderness, erythema, swelling, fluctuance or mass.
2- Protrusion of the auricle.
Name signs of meningitis in children. (2)
1- Signs of meningeal inflammation (Nuchal rigidity/neck stiffness, altered mental status, headache, photophobia, N, V)
2- Bulging fontanel
Name severe symptoms of AOM (3)
Only need to present 1 to be considered severe
1- moderate to severe otalgia x more than 48hrs.
2- Temps over 39C
3- Perforation of tympanic membrane
Mild symptoms of AOM (3)
Need all three to be considered mild
1- Mild otalgia for less than 48hrs
2- Temp less than 39C
3- No perforation of tympanic membrane
Treatment or observation fo ra 3-6 month old with severe or mild symptoms.
ATB treatment for both cases.
Amoxicillin 90mg/kg/day PO divided BID x 10 days.
6 months and up with severe AOM symptoms. ATB tx or observe?
ATB treatment.
Amoxicillin 90mg/kg/day PO divided BID x 10 days.
(Max 2 000 mg PO BID)
Mild AOM symptoms for 6 months and up, 2 options.
Define both options
1-Close observation if ATB can be started in 48hrs if symptoms persist or worsen. And parents collaborate.
2- ATB tx: Amoxicillin 90 mg/kg/day divided BID x 10 days if under 2 years old OR 5 to 7 days if older than 2 years old.
When should parents come back after starting AOM Tx?
48 to 72 hours if no response.
2nd line treatment of AOM (peds)
Amoxicillin-clavulanate 90mg/kg/day PO divided BID x 10 days.
When to refer to ORL in the case of AOM? (3)
1- Resists 2nd line antibiotic treatment
2- More than 4 episodes in 6 months or 6 episodes per year
4- Perforation of tympanic membrane not resolved after 6 weeks.
Name some of the physical exam for AOM (4)
1- Look inside ear canal for: erythema, coloration of tympanic membrane, bulging tympanic membrane.
2- Look outside of ear for otorrhea that would indicate perforation.
3- Look for stiff neck to r/o meningitis
4- Look for erythema or swelling retroauricular area.