Inequality Flashcards
Ethnicity and social inequality: AMIN
- Ethnic minorities are more likely to work in sections of the economy with greater risk of low pay, involving shift work, with longer hours and less access to training and occupational benefits
Ethnicity and social inequality: WEBER
- Ethnic minorities have a lower market situation at work in low paid jobs. Racism and discrimination also causes them to have a low status situation
Ethnicity and social inequality: CASTLES AND KOSAK
- Ethnic minorities are used as a reserve army of labour and white workers are encouraged to see them as a threat to their jobs. They are used as a scapegoat for the wider issues of capitalism and blames issues such as crime, unemployment and housing shortages which are caused by the capitalist system
Ethnicity and social inequality: BARON AND NORIS
- Dual labour theory. Employers restrict EMS to the secondary labour market due to racist beliefs about their unsuitability for primary sector work
Ethnicity and social inequality: HEATH AND MCHOHAN
- Users the term ethnic penalty to describe the disadvantage that EMS face compared to white employers who are matched in terms of class, educational attainment and other relevant factors
Ethnicity and social inequality: REINER
- Looked at institutional racism within the Police Force. He argued that the structure and systems of this workplace create racist practices and a subculture. A canteen culture based on racism and suspicious has been created, therefore EMS police officers are often isolated and suffer bullying
Ethnicity and social inequality: OFFICE OF NATIONAL STATISTICS (2014)
- Highest unemployment rates for 14-64 is other black (17%) and Afro Caribbean (15%)
Ethnicity and social inequality: JOSEPH ROWNTREE FOUNDATION (2007)
- EMS have lower incomes compared to whites and earn up to 10% less; with Black African and Pakistani earning up to 20% less
Ethnicity and the media: AWAN
- Found that media (digital) is used to assault EMS. He conducted a content analysis of twitter. Over 75% of the tweets showed a strong islamic feeling used to stereotype and collectively label muslims
Ethnicity and the media: WHITAKER
- There are 4 persistent labels of Muslims in the media. These are; intolerant, misogynistic, violent and finally strange/different
Ethnicity and the media: VAN DIJYK
- Black people tend to be portrayed as criminal in the media, especially tabloids. More recently, as a member of organised gangs that push drugs and violently offend
Ethnicity and the media: REACH REPORT
- Violence in the Black community is a result of the media’s failure to portray the image of black then positivity. This has a negative impact on their identity and often leads to further labelling such as school
Ethnicity and the media: HALL
- The police and media focussed on the ‘problem’ of Black mugging (1970’s) in order to distract people from real issues of capitalism
Ethnicity and inequality: UNEMPLOYMENT
- Unemployment roles for white males were 8% in 1995 compared to 18% for Pakistani/Bangledeshi men and 21% for Black (Afro Caribbean men)
Ethnicity and inequality: WAGES
- Ethnic minorities generally earn lower incomes. In 1995 average hourly earnings of full time employees from ethnic minorities were about 92% of those of white employees
Ethnicity and inequality: POVERTY
- All ethnic groups are more likely to experience poverty than White people, but there is variation across groups with Bangledeshi and Pakistani households most at risk
Ethnicity and inequality: WEBERIAN THEORY
- Ethnic minorities have a lower market situation as they work primarily in low paid jobs. Racism and discrimination cause them to have low status situation. They have lower party power as they are underrepresented in political organisations and trade unions
Ethnicity and inequality: REX AND TOMLINSON
- Argue that ethnic minorities experience market situation and status inequality. This makes them more likely to face poverty, which also is made worse by racism. This has led to me black underclass which is marginalised, frustrated and stuck in poverty
Ethnicity and inequality: BARRON AND NORIS
- Dual market theory. Due to discrimination, ethnic minorities are largely confined to the secondary labour sector. This consists of low paid/insecure jobs that
Ethnicity and inequality: MARXIST
- Racist and ethnic inequality benefit capitalism. Ethnic minorities form an army of labour. White workers are encouraged to see ethnic minority workers as a threat to their jobs. Ethnic minorities are scapegoated for problems caused by capitalism
Ethnicity and inequality: CASTLES AND KOSAK
- Ethnic minorities are used as a reserve army of labour and white workers are encouraged to see them as a threat to their jobs. They are used as a scapegoat for the wider issues of capitalism and blames issues such as crime, unemployment and housing shortages which are caused by the capitalist system
Ethnicity and inequality: STUART HALL
- Argues that racism was encouraged by a media focus upon black mugging which was used to distract people from the economic problems in the 1970’s caused by capitalism
Ethnicity and inequality: PILKINGTON
- Evaluated Marxist and Weberian approaches to ethnic inequality. Both theories are similar in seeing ethnic minorities separated white workers. However recent evidence suggests that certain minority ethnic groups have become more successful in the labour market. E.g. people of Asian background
Ethnicity and inequality: FUNCTIONALIST THEORY
- Inequality is necessary in s society. It performs a positive function. Ethnic minorities need to absorb dominant values and get assimilated into society
Ethnicity and inequality: BANTON
- Ethnic minorities perform a positive function by taking jobs the dominant group want
Ethnicity and inequality: PATTERSON
- Host immigrant model. Ethnic minorities gave inequalities as their norm and values disrupt the equilibrium of society inequality will be reduced as they as assimilated imo dominant norms and values
Ethnicity and inequality: NEW RIGHT THEORY
- The underclass is disproportionately made up of ethnic minorities. They blame the minority groups themselves rather than racism or discrimination
Ethnicity and inequality: MURRAY
- Ethnic groups in the USA tend to form single parent families and depend upon welfare benefits
Ethnicity and inequality: DAHYA
- Pakistanis choose to live near each other in inner city areas which have poorer quality housing, education, healthcare etc. Do this to protect their culture
Ethnicity and inequality: TONY SEWELL
- Argues that underachievement of Black boys in schools is linked to Black culture. This includes the large number of lone parent families, an aggressive macho, form of masculinity and a focus upon hip hop among black peer groups
Ethnicity and inequality: INSTITUTIONAL RACISM
- Inequality is caused by day to day procedures and practices of institutions such as the Police, NHS and the Education System
Ethnicity and inequality: MACPHERSON REPORT
- Report into Stephen Lawrence’s murder by a gang of white youths. The report concluded that although individual police officers may not have been deliberately prejudiced
Ethnicity and inequality: HERNSTEIN AND MURRAY
- Racial disadvantage is at least in part due to inherited differences in intelligence
Ethnicity and crime: HOME OFFICE
- Black people are 5x more likely to be murdered than white counterparts
Ethnicity and crime: BCS
- Found that adults from mixed, black and Asian groups are most likely to be victims of personal crime
Ethnicity and crime: AWAN
- An increase in crime stats which showed a 70% increase in Islamophobia hate crimes in London and conducted a content analysis of twitter. More than 75% of the tweets showed a strong islamic feeling used to stereotype and collectively label muslims
Ethnicity and crime: REINER
- Looked at institutional racism within the work force
Ethnicity and crime: BOWLING AND PHILLIPS
- Higher levels of crime amongst black people is a result of police labelling
Ethnicity and crime: MACPHERSON REPORT
- Conducted after the murder of Stephen Lawrence. It found that police had been institutionally racist. Practices, procedures and cultures tend to exclude or disadvantage people
Ethnicity and crime: HALL
- The police and media focussed on the ‘problem’ of Black mugging (1970’s) in order to distract people from the real issues of capitalism