Industry Flashcards
Define vertical restraint
One firm in the vertical chain influences the behaviour of another firm
Double marginalisation diagram
- MCd = w
- vertical separation induces a higher price of the final good
- Vertical externality: each firm doesn’t take into account that an increase in its final price reduces the profit of the other firm
Other vertical externalities
Downstream moral hazard
- demand function for U includes promotional services ‘S’
- service forcing (write into contract)
- FF: set at optimal profit given both choices of p and S
Input substitution
- distortion to how producing good as 1 U monopoly and other U is competitive. Will only buy from competitive
Pre-sale problem with free-riding
- undermines incentive to do pre-sale
- RPM with FF can eliminate externality but led to too much effort -> inc profit but dec CS
- e.g. CMA investigated perfume market as they refused to sell to Superdrug as well as Debenhams
Uncertainty over cost and demand with FF and RPM
Rey and Tirol (1986)
Demand uncertainty:
- With FF: A < E(profit) which is costly for U
- RPM: U chooses w until D makes no margin so change in q has no impact on D so no compensation needed
Cost uncertainty
- With RPM: D has cost uncertainty needs to be compensated for
Exclusionary contracts model
1) U offer D exclusive contract with payment t for signing
2) D decides whether to accept
3) E decides whether to enter
4) Active upstream sellers set prices
Assume if E enters, sets p = cu
Assume E enters in absence of contract e.g. (cu - ce)Q(cu) > F
Segal and Whinston on exclusionary contracts
- now 3 D’s
- Buyers are not in competition: profit from each buyer is 9
- if p = cu then buyer surplus is 12
- assume unable to coordinate to defeat tactic
- firms must operate only at or above minimum efficiency scale
- optimally offer t = 12 + e to 2 and t = 0 to 1
- dominant strategy to accept
- publicly observable and distinct offers
- unique SPE: U sign up all 3 D or almost free and E doesn’t enter
- as no. of D inc, buyers become relatively small and U almost certainly exclude for free
- contracts not expiring at same time and other discriminations in contract: foreclosing potential stronger
- Each D doesn’t internalise the fact chaat when it signs it dec no. D E can sell to so dec likelihood of entry
Partial exclusion through stipulated damages
Aghion and Bolton (1987)
- contract: (p,d)
- Assume F = 0
Certainty: (p,d) = (cu, cu-ce)
- signs and enters, conspire by penalty. Redistribution
Uncertainty: cu = 1/2
- if E enters: p = pm - d
- d set before ce known
- joint surplus: v - (p-d) max when p = 1/4
Example of exclusionary contract
Intel and Dell 2002-2007
- Intel share > 70%, make integrated circuits for computers
- AMD outperform Intel: threat
- arrangement with Dell to buy exclusively from them via patent reward
- Intel fined > €1bn by EC
1991 Mars complaint as Schiller and LI exclusive agreements with retailers
- EC decided infringed Article 81
- make available freezer that only store their products
- no after or pre-sale services with ice-cream
Secret deals issue
Hart and Tirol (1990):
- public offers contract vs secret deals
- have 2 Ds and assume can’t contract multilaterally with both Ds to maintain Qc/2
- Bilateral contracts: (q,T) T payment from D to U
- Public: (Qc/4, pmQc/4)
- If U and D1 agree to the above, then incentive to max residual demand with D2 and set Q > Qc/4
- Anticipating this, D1 wouldn’t accept -> equilibrium in unique duopoly cournot
- presence of externalities between the 2 contracts. As generalise to n, profit U -> 0
- here nondiscrimination clauses can restore monopoly power: exclusive dealing, RPM public promise, VI
- from competitive point of view its good to have secret deals
Profitability of horizontal merger without synergies
- insiders internalise negative pecuniary externality and dec their output
- outsiders inc output which moderates the price increase
- lower q rom insiders not compensated by inc price in industry
- Motta: R shifts left as internalise negative externality
- Salant, Switzer Reynolds (1983): with linear demand, profitable for insiders only if m/n > 0.8
- Stigler (1950): even if profitable, may be more profitable to let others merge. Violated if n large, no synergies, competition not too tough
- Motta: R shift right as internalise previously setting price too low relative to price that would max joint profits
Welfare effects of merger
Williamson (1968)
- trade-off graph with higher price, lower cost
Farrell and Shapiro (1990):
- case where output-reducing merger is welfare increasing
- output increasing is good for everyone
- 1) CS inc as p dec if P(Q) - Cm > sum p(Q) - ci). Post merger profit margin at pre merger price > sum of merger partners; pre-merger profit margins. Corollary: Cm < C2 (lower one)
- 2) Aggregate surplus inc if s < 0.5
- intuition: low share, smaller impact on price and higher c pre-merger so reallocate output to more efficient firms
Limits of Farrell and Shapiro (1990)
Abstracts from collusion
Abstracts from entry
Looks at merger in isolation
Assessing merger with price competition
Farrel and Shapiro (2010):
- price setting and differentiated
- Diversion ratio: measure of substitutability between products
- D = no. customers switch to 2 when 1 raises price / no customer stop buying from 1
- measured via surveys
- T=inter-firm externality= (p2-c2)D12 = dprofit2/dq1
- UPP high if close substitutes and high profit margin of 2
- Impact T - E
- don’t have to define the market, market shares not v informative about closeness of substitutes
- quantities the risk that prices rise based on rate at which firms cannibalise sales from each other
Lerner index
(p-c)/p = s/e
Empirics of assessing mergers (equations)
- pi = a0 + B1Ni + yXi + u
- X: exogenous data
- i is a different market within the same industry
- have omitted variable bias: Xi not included that impacts pi and Ni. N is endogenous.
- e.g.congestion charge impacting costs
Panel data:
- pit = ai + B1Nit + yXit + u
- ai: absorbs impacts like demand so not in u
- picks up the time-constant, location-specific uobserved differences across locations
Example proposed merger analysis
Ashenfelter 2004:
- Stables and Office Depot, FTC challenged in 1997
- used panel data: locationally separate individuals Staples outlets at different times
- data on N (due to entry) and p for each i across time
- Q: how much would Staples price increase in markets where Staples and Office Depot compete if all Office Depot stores were converted to Staples stores?
- price inc of 4%
- Difficulties: defining the market (superstore Walmart), methods hold competition constant (strategic effects), measurement error bias
Example actual merger analysis
Hastings (2004):
- ACRO acquiring Thrifty petrol stations
- didn’t need to specify structural specification of demand and competition (quasi)
- cit: (1 if Thrift within 1 mile, 0 otherwise)
- ‘treatment’ is the loss of competition from an independent retailer
- Panel data to compare changes in p between treated and control
- Results: treated 2-3 cents below control pre-merger and 2-3 cents higher after. Effect = 5c. Consistent across locations
- pit = ai + dct + o cit + uit
- dct: city-time effect (common trends per city)
- cit: treatment
- panel so ai means cit uncorrelated with sit
Other things to consider with merger analysis
Not actually profitable for insiders:
- Roll (186): overbidding
- Morck et al (1990): empire building
Assumes private gains for merging partners are social gains -> e.g. not tax savings
Examples of blocked mergers
Sainsburys and Adsa:
- used surveys -> D and UPP
Siemens and Alstrom:
- future competition from CHina’s CRRC not impacted by competition authority
- EC applied competition law by looking at the market as it currently stands
UPS and TNT:
- EC blocked in 2013: price increase in 15 states
- FedEx bought in 2014
Points from Rotemberg and Saloner
(1986) :
- perfect information, uncertainty re demand
- monopoly price is independent of demand state.
- ω ∈ {H,L}: Dω(p) = θωD(p)
- Since θH > θL, π HM > π LM .
- If δ < δ ≡ (n − 1)/n price above marginal cost cannot be sustained
- if δ ∈ [δ, δ), the pM in low demand state can be sustained while, in the high demand state, a price pH ∈ (c,pM) can be sustained. This price pH is such that the associated industry profit πH ≡ [pH − c]D(pH) satisfies the no-cheating constraint in the high demand state, (1) with equality.
- collusion harder to sustain than stationary
- incentive to cheat in high demand state is bigger
- Move along equilibrium collusive path, as collusive price higher in low demand states, no firm deviates.
- if δ ∈ [δ, δ), there are “price wars” during boom times
Points from Green and Porter
(1984) :
- signal extraction problem
- firms never observe demand state
- if sell nothing dk if under-cut or slump
- - optimal collusive scheme: if q=0 then revert to punishment phase (p=mc) for T periods
- T minimised so that no incentive to cheat
- predicts finite price wars following unobserved demand slump
- no cheat but collusion break down
Evidence for Rotemberg and Saloner
Scherer (1980): pure discipline broke down when large order from Armed Service Procurement Agency
Ashenfelter and Grady (2005): Sotheby’s and Christies. Fixing in 1995. In 1997 market recovered: S waive c, C make donation.
Abrahamson (2011): spreads (fees for IPOs) increased when low volumes. Collusion when low volumes.
Evidence for and against Green and Porter
Ellison (1994): JEC - 1880s rail cartel in US.
- models what expect demand to be and found price 66% higher in cooperative periods.
- Less likely place to apply RandS - RandS have transparency over prices
OECD (2017): algorithms - able to distinguish intentional deviations and natural reactions to market changes (prevent unnecessary retaliation)
Multimarket contact authors
Multi-market contact
- reneging on a collusive agreement in one market triggers price wars in all other markets
- oligopolistic to competitive -> more environments can sustain collusion.
- punishment is worse than zero
- Bernheim and Winston (1990): identical, CRS, perfect monitoring then don’t affect opportunities for tacit collusion
- Porter (1983): destabilising spillover
- Evans and Kessides (1994): golden rule
- time series and cross sectional data on 1000 largest domestic city-pair routes
- regional cost adv so heterogenous