Industrial Transformation: Heavy Industry Flashcards
What did Witte believe regarding industry?
-by concentrating production in key areas + developing large factory units over of 1000 workers big increased un heavy goods production could be achieved
Where were the main areas of Ind development?
-St P
-Baltic coast
-the Donbas
-Krivoi Rog ironfields southeastern Ukraine etc.
What was the Donbas region supplying?
-87% of all Rus coal by 1913
-combined with Krivoi bog produced 74% all Rus pig iron by 1913
What was the impact of this?
-by 1914 Rus worlds fourth largest producer of coal, pig iron + steel
How did Moscow over take St. P in terms of Ind centres?
-Moscow main link between Europe + east
-position as hub of entire rail network
How did St.P grow?
-in engineering sector with expansion of putilov iron works
What were the putilov iron works?
-Putilov a retired naval ministry officer purchased former state ironworks 1867 to develop railway factory
-1885 company provided nearly 1/4 all state orders for locomotives, wagons + rails
What did the company specialise in under Putilov’s descendants?
-machinery, artillery + products made of high quality steel
-between 1891-94 workforce grew by 2000
Why was there a growth in light Ind?
-fuelled by growing demand growth in light Ind like textiles
-textiles still accounted for 40% of total Ind output 1910
What did Russia experience between 1908-13?
-impressive Ind growth rate of 8.5% per year
What was Rus like by 1914 in heavy Ind?
-fifth largest Ind power after UK, USA, Fr + Gr
What was a reason why the German generals launched war against Russia 1914?
-feared delaying war any longer would allow Russia Ind reach point whereby Rus outstrips massive Gr econ