Industrial Society IDs Flashcards
Sir Robert Peel
started the first professional police force in 1829
Jeremy Bentham
Believed in utilitarianism and said that if receiving aid was difficult and humiliating then people would do it less.
Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon
A utopian socialist; believed in rather than redistributing wealth, experts should manage it. He also said directors should organize and coordinate activities of individuals and groups to achieve social harmony. He was pro-free market economy
Robert Owen
Founded New Harmony, Indiana; saw no incompatibility between a humane
industrial environment and a good profit
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
the first to use the term anarchist, advocated for mutualism
Auguste Blanqui
Called for the violent overthrow of free market economy, established governments, and established norms
Karl “satan” Marx
created Marxism
Friedrich Engels
Published The Condition of the Working Class in England, joined with Marx to make the communist manifesto.
Napoleon III
Led the second French Empire
Felix Schwarzenberg
Bohemian nobleman and an Austrian statesman who restored the Austrian Empire as a European great power following the Revolutions of 1848
Frederick William IV
conservative policies helped spark the Revolution of 1848
Pope Pius IX
the longest verified papal reign. He was notable for convoking the First Vatican Council in 1868 and for permanently losing control of the Papal States in 1870 to the Kingdom of Italy
fought for Italian unity and almost single-handedly united northern and southern Italy
committed himself to the cause of Italian independence and unity. Forced into exile in 1831 for his revolutionary activities
William Lovett
One of the founders of the London Working Men’s association
John Howard
an 18th-century English philanthropist who made significant contributions in prison reform
Louis Blanc
noted for his theory of worker-controlled “social workshops.”
Charles Fourier
advocated a reconstruction of society based on communal associations of producers known as phalanges