Industrial Society Concepts, terms, and events Flashcards
Guild System
Precursor to labor unions
Goods are produced in standard sizes rather than specific sizes
Workers in Britain looking for social reform
London Working Men’s Association
appealed to skilled workers rather than the mass of unskilled factory laborers
Northern Star
sits more or less directly above Earth’s north pole along our planet’s rotational axis
English Factory Act
Forbade the employment of children under 9 and limited workday to nine hours for children between 9‐13
the first police force under Sir robert peel
Iron law of wages
If poor workers receive aid, then that would undermine the normal worker’s wages, thereby driving down all overall wages.
Greatest power for the greatest amount of people
Poor Law Amendment Act
Implemented both Jeremy Bentham, and David Ricardo’s ideas.
a system of belief or religious practice based on supposed communication with the spirits of the dead, especially through mediums
Utopian Socialism
followed the beliefs of Saint-Simon
New Harmony, Indiana
Founded by Robert Owen and had communities where people lived
together and shared their resources, but it failed due to quarrels
Rejected both industry and the dominance of government; “property is theft” “Anarchy is order without power”
No gods, no masters, the proletariat would take over the bourgeoisie, and everyone is the same but not equal.
Workers’ labor becomes a commodity
Second Republic
declared after the abdication of Louis Phillipe
Second French Empire
led by Napoleon III
A system
where small businesses exchanged goods based
on the recognition of the labor required to
produce them