Industrial polices under Khrushchev Flashcards
What was the aim of Khrushchev and his industrial policy?
-modern economy to help in the competition with cold war.
What were the issues with Stalin’s legacy?
-imbalance in economy to heavy industry.
-centralised planning/ political influence- unrealistic targets
-no innovation in economy
-poor living and working standards
What did Khrushchev do in 1957?
-abolished central ministries in Moscow that set national targets and replaced them with Sovnarhozy?
What is meant by Sovnarhozy?
-100 local economic councils
What did Khrushchev do to coordinate the Sovnarkozy?
-ended up being really bureaucratic and inefficient
-made it difficult to implement 5 year plans.
What was the political aim of the Sovnarkhozy?
-reduce power of enemies in Moscow and allow people he likes to run the Sovnarkozy.
What was the economic aim of the Sovnarhozy?
-realistic targets locally.
What were the consequences of the Sovnarkozy?
-only had local perspective not national
-would not receive raw materials from places outside they were responsible for
What was introduced in 1959?
-7 year plan (later reduced to 5).
What was the 7 year plan?
-focus away from heavy industry and towards consumer goods,
-plastic, chemicals, light industry
-develop less developed areas like Siberia and east of Russia.
Did Khrushchev meet his 7 year targets?
-gross output production 165% more
Steel from 40 in 1958 to 66.
-oil- 113-243
Machine tools 138-185.
What percentage did disposable incomes rise by?
0.8% of people owned a TV still behind west.