Induction Medications Flashcards
Etomidate (Induction - anaesthetic)
-Most haemodynamically stable induction agent (least likely to cause hypotension)
-Dose: 0.2-0.3mg/kg
Propofol (Induction) - anaesthetic
—Less haemodynamically stable (produces venodilation, myocardial depression, reduced cerebral perfusion pressure)
-often used as infusion for maintenance sedation following intubation
-Most commonly used neuromuscular blocking agent for rapid intubation
-Rapid onset 45-60 seconds, 8-10 mins recovery time
-Dose 1.5mg/kg
-Can cause increased K levels, contraindicated in hyperkalaemic conditions
Rocuronium (muscle relaxant)
-Alternative to sux when contraindicated
-45-60 sec induction time, longer recovery 20-25 mins
-Dose: 1mg/kg