INDOC Flashcards
What are the FUEL planning estimates for Taxi?
Single Engine= 12 lbs/Min
Two Engine= 20lbs/Min
(* Both estimates include APU burn of 2.73 lbs/Min)
What does BURN fuel consist of?
BURN fuel is the amount of fuel to get you from Departure to Destination.
This includes TAKE-OFF + ENROUTE + DESCENT + APPROACH (considering winds aloft) + 10NM of VECTORING…
GOM 03.17.9 (P. 196)
What are the FUEL planning estimates for Holding?
2500 lbs/hr (42 lbs/min)
- Use 50 lbs/min to build a buffer of safety.
GOM 03.17.9 (pg. 196)
Who is responsible for the safe conduct of flight?
PIC and Dispatcher are jointly responsible
What does ALTERNATE Burn Fuel consist of?
The amount of FUEL to fly from the DESTINATION to the FURTHEST Alternate.
(*Takeoff, Cruise, Descent, plus 5NM of vectoring at the departure and Destination)
GOM 03.17.9 (pg. 196)
What does MISSED APPROACH FUEL consist of?
Amount of Fuel used to conduct a MISSED APPROACH.
MISSED APPROACH fuel is accounted for within the Alternate Burn. *IF there is no alternate, then 600lbs will be added for the XR…
GOM 03.17.9 (pg. 196)
What does the MIN/TO (Takeoff) Fuel consist of?
The MINIMUM amount of fuel needed on board to legally depart from the Departure airport. (BHARM)
GOM 03.17.9 (PG. 196)
What does ALTERNATE Fuel consist of?
Amount of FUEL onboard that would get you from overhead your DESTINATION airport to your FURTHEST Alternate via planned routing and maintain your 45 MIN RESERVE FUEL upon landing at Alternate.
What does FINAL DIVERT Fuel consist of?
The MINIMUM amount of fuel onboard overhead at the destination. Once this fuel level is reached an IMMEDIATE diversion is required to the ALTERNATE airport listed on the dispatch release.
(A.K.A. FURTHEST Alternate + 30 MIN/1206LBS)
GOM 03.17.9 (p. 196)
When is a 2nd Alternate required?
- When dispatching flight under Exemption 17347
- When Weather at DESTINATION and 1st ALTERNATE are both considered marginal.
* Marginal weather is defined as being less than or equal to the DESTINATION Visibility when you take the Approach Mins and ADD 1/2 mi to the Vis.
* Marginal weather at an ALTERNATE is defined as being Less than or equal to the Visibility AND Ceiling you have calculated when you take your alternate derived Mins. and then add 100 ft to ceiling and 1/2 mile to the Vis.
GOM 1-03.14.2 (p. 181)
Where do we find the due dates for EACH Revision?
- Dispatch Release
- Front of the envelope when they come out
What are the Alcohol limitations at C5?
10 hours and 0.02 BAC
What does NTTSB-Report stand for?
Nature Time Type Special Instructions Brace
Report: FA needs to report back when cabin is secured.
When MUST a security search be done?
- First REVENUE flight of the day
- Unattended
- MX hangar.
- Evidence of Tampering
- International (Canda & Mexico)
- TSA Request or Company Request
How long MUST the station retain the original copy of the:
Dispatch Release LM-4 Security Search Form CLR
- Dispatch Release: 90 Days
- LM-4: 90 Days
- Security Search Form: 30 Days