Individualistic Theories Informing Policy Development Flashcards
What are the two policy developments?
- Psychoanalysis.
- Behaviour modification.
Who founded the psychoanalysis treatment?
What is psychoanalysis?
A treatment where the patient verbalises their thoughts through a variety of methods.
What does psychoanalysis aim to do?
Access the unconscious, repressed thoughts which are believed to have led to the criminal activity.
The treatment tries to bring the repressed thoughts to the conscious mind so they can be dealt with.
This therapy is probably the least favoured in contemporary approaches to working with offenders. It is very ____-_________ and is unlikely to provide _____ answers.
- time-consuming.
- quick.
What does Blackburn(1993) point out about the effectiveness of psychoanalysis?
There are very few positive evaluations of psychoanalysis as a treatment method with offenders.
What does Andrews et al(1990) argue about psychoanalysis?
That ‘traditional psychodynamic therapies are to be avoided within general samples of offenders’.
How does psychoanalysis raise potential ethical issues?
The power imbalance between therapies and client; a patient could discover very painful memories that were deliberately repressed.
What did a study in 2010 show?
That psychoanalysis works as well as, it at least equivalent to, other psychotherapy treatments such as cognitive behaviour therapy.
What does behaviour modification focus on?
Techniques that extinguish undesirable behaviours and promote desirable ones; reinforced behaviours are strengthened and punished behaviours are weakened.
With regards to criminal behaviour, what does behaviour modification aim to do?
Behaviour is punished in order to weaken the thought-process leading to the illegal behaviour.
How does the token economy system work as an aspect of behaviour modification?
A token is given for a desired action, which is later exchanged for a ‘treat’.
What is the ‘Incentives and Earned Privileges Scheme’?
This is where prisoners who follow rules can earn privileges such as having more visits or allowed to spend more money.
What did Fo & O’Donnell(1975) devise?
A ‘buddy system’ where adult volunteers were assigned to a young offender to provide consistent reinforcement for socially acceptable ways of acting.
What evidence did Hobbs and Holt(1976) provide towards token economies?
They have short-term effectiveness with young offenders.
What evidence did Allyon and Milan(1979) provide towards token economies?
They have short-term effectiveness with adult offenders.