Individualistic Theories Flashcards
What is the Operant Conditioning Theory
believes our behavior is shaped by
reinforcements and punishments.
Behavior that results in a reward
is likely to be repeated – positive reinforcement
Behavior leads to an undesirable
outcome is not likely to be repeated – punishment
What is behaviorism in operant conditioning
The cause of someone’s behavior lies in the reinforcements and punishments that shape it.
How does Operant conditioning explain the causes of criminality
All behavior good and bad, is the result of reinforcements and punishments, therefore operant conditioning must also explain criminal behavior
Differential reinforcement theory
If crime has more rewarding consequences than punishing ones for an individual, they are more likely to engage in criminal behavior.
Strengths of operant conditioning
Skinner’s studies of learning in animals show that they learn from experience through reinforcement. Some human learning is also of this kind.
This can be applied to offending. Jeffery states that if crime leads to more rewarding than punishing outcomes for an individual, they will be more likely to offend.
Limitations of operant conditioning
Operant learning theory is based on studies of learning in animals. This is not an adequate model of how humans learn criminal behavior.
Humans have free will and can choose their course of action. For example, we can choose to do something that causes us suffering in order to help someone else.
What is the Social learning theory
it believes that very young children imitate the behavior they see in social situations.
The people children imitate are ‘models’, they model their behavior on how they see them behaving.
How does the social learning theory explain the causes of criminality
Bandura believed that we learn aggressive behavior – by imitating other people.
Vicarious reinforcement - Whether we imitate mainly depends on the
consequences of that behavior.
If we see a model being rewarded for their behavior, we are more likely to imitate it.
What was Banduras experiment
The Bo-Bo doll experiment
Children watched as an adult used their hands and equipment to hit a Bo-Bo doll, the children were then allowed into this room and repeated the adults actions
Strengths of the Social learning theory
Unlike Skinner, Bandura takes account of the fact that we are social beings. We learn from the experiences of others, not just from our own direct experience.
Bandura shows that children who observed aggressive behavior being rewarded, imitated that behavior. This shows the importance of role models in learning deviant behavior.
Limitations of the Social learning theory
The theory is based on laboratory studies. Laboratories are artificial settings and findings may not be valid for real-life situations.
The theory assumes people’s behavior is completely determined by their learning experiences and ignores their freedom of choice. This also conflicts with legal views of crime, which assume that we have free will to commit crime.
What is the differential association theory and its 2 factors
believes that criminal behaviour is learnt largely through family and peer groups.
2 key factors
Imitation – individuals learn criminal skills and techniques by observing those around them
Learned attitudes – socialization into attitudes and values about the law and the CJS.
How does the differential association theory link to the causes of criminality
Anti-crime attitudes would reduce the likelihood of
criminal behaviour.
Pro-crime attitudes – If exposed to these values, they
may go on to offend.
If pro-crime attitudes outweigh anti-crime then more likely
to offend.
Strengths of the Differential association theory
Matthews found that juvenile delinquents are more likely to have friends who commit anti social acts, suggesting that they learn their behavior from peer groups.
The attitudes of work groups can normalize white collar crime, enabling offenders to justify their behavior.
Limitation of the Differential Association theory
Not everyone who is exposed to ‘criminal influences’ becomes criminal. They might learn from family or peers how to commit crime, but never put this into practice.
What is Freuds Psychodynamic Theory
Freud suggested that the part of the
mind we know about is simply ‘the
tip of an iceberg’. Most of our mind
is unconscious – these are biological drives that determine our behavior & personality. These unconscious forces drive all behavior – including criminality.
What was Freud’s experiment
One way to access the unconscious
mind is through using inkblot tests.
By giving patients / criminals an
ambiguous picture to analyze the
therapist can make conclusions about that persons personality
What are the three principles and what do they mean
ID: Present at birth and operates on the pleasure principle – it gets what it wants.
EGO: Develops at around the age of two and it works on the reality principle. It reduces conflict between the ID & SUPEREGO using
defense mechanisms.
SUPEREGO: Develops around the age of 5 years old and it works on the morality principle. It represents the moral standards of the same-sex parent and is responsible for guilt.
How does each overdeveloped principle relate to criminality
ID: A person will act impulsively ‘taking what they want’, leading to criminal behavior.
SUPEREGO: A person will be moralistic and judgmental
when perfection is not achieved.
EGO: Struggle to accept changed and have a fixed / rigid
How do we develop a dominant ID
A person will develop a dominant ID in the event that
children don’t fully develop ego’s and superego’s through
identifying with their same-sex parents.
Strengths to Freud
The theory points to the importance of early socialization and family relationships in understanding criminal behavior.
Psychoanalytic explanations have had some influence on policies for dealing with crime and deviance.
Limitations to Freud
Critics doubt the existence of an ‘unconscious mind’ - how could we know about it, if it’s unconscious?
Psychoanalytic explanations are unscientific and subjective - they rely on accepting the psychoanalyst’s claims that they can see into the workings of the individual’s unconscious mind to discover their inner conflicts and motivations.
What is Bowlby’s maternal deprivation theory
He argues there is a link between maternal deprivation and deviant or anti-social behaviour.
In his view, a child needs a close, continuous relationship with its primary carer (Bowlby
assumed to be the mother) from birth to the age of 5 in order to develop normally.
If the mother-child attachment is broken through separation, even for a short period, it can
leave the child unable to form meaningful emotional relationships with others.
In some cases, this can lead to criminal behavior.
What was Bowlby’s experiment
Bowlby (1944) studied 44 juvenile delinquents, and compared them to non-criminal juveniles. Of the criminals, 39% had experienced separation from their mothers for
six months or more, during the first five years compared to just 5% of the control group.
Strengths to Bowlby
Bowiby’s research showed that more of his sample of 44 juvenile delinquents had suffered maternal
deprivation (39%) than a control group of non-delinquents (5%).
His work shows the need to consider the role of parent-child relationships in explaining criminality.
Limitations to Bowlby
It was a retrospective study, where delinquents and their mothers had to accurately recall past events. This can be a problem, especially if it involves recalling emotive experiences.
Bowlby accounts for the delinquency of 39% of the children in terms of maternal deprivation but doesn’t explain why the other 61 % were delinquent. Deprivation cannot be the only cause.
What is Eysenck’s personality theory
Eysenck believed that certain personality types were more likely to commit crime because they craved excitement, but are
slow to learn consequences.
What was Eysenck’s Experiment
He carried out a questionnaire on 700soldiers who were being treated for neurotic disorders. He used their answers to develop different personality traits.
What were the two traits Eysenck focused on, and what do they mean
Extraversion / Introversion: Concerns the amount of stimulation a person needs. Extroverts are sociable but become bored very easily. Introverts need very little stimulation and are often in control of their situations.
Neuroticism / Stability: Neurotics are often anxious and irrational. Whereas stable personalities
worry less and are more emotionally well-adjusted.
What was the third trait Eysenck later introduced
Eysenck later added a
third trait: psychoticism. These
people are cold, uncaring and aggressive to others and will
further indicate a tendency to criminality.
How dos Eysenck’s theory explain the causes of criminality
Eysenck found criminals score very
highly on extroversion and neuroticism.
Extroverts - nervous system needs a high level of stimulation from their
environment, so are constantly seeking excitement. leads to impulsive, rule breaking behavior.
Neurotics – Are hard to condition into following society’s rule because
their high anxiety levels prevent them from. Learning from their mistakes.
Therefore a combination of the two is likely to lead to criminality
Strengths of Eysenck’s theory
The theory is useful in describing how some measurable tendencies could increase a person’s risk of offending.
Eysenck predicts that high E, N and P scores lead to criminality and some studies support his predictions; offenders tend towards being extravert, neurotic and psychotic.
Limitations to Eysenck’s theory
Eysenck used self-report questionnaires, which may not produce valid results; people may lie when asked about themselves.
Evidence on prisoners shows a correlation between personality type and criminality, but this
doesn’t prove that personality type causes criminality. It could be the other way round: being in prison might cause people to become neurotic.
What is a Cognitive Theory
Cognition refers to thinking and mental processes such as beliefs, reasoning, problem solving, decision making, our self concept and how we interpret the work
around us.
Cognitive theories argue that these mental processes shape our behavior
What is the Criminal personality theory
Criminal are prone to faulty thinking which makes them more likely to commit crime
What was Yochelson & Samenow’s experiment
They studied 240 long term offenders, most of whom committed to psychiatric hospital
The results showed a range of errors and biases in their thinking & decision, such as: lying, Secretiveness, Need for power and control, Super optimism, Failure to understand other’s positions, Lack of trust, Believed they were Unique, Gave themselves victim status, Blamed others
Strengths of the Criminal personality Theory
The idea that criminals’ thinking patterns are different from normal has led to other research.
For example, PICT5 (the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles) is a questionnaire aimed at revealing whether someone shows criminal thought patterns.
Successful treatments, known as cognitive behavioral therapy, have been developed based on the idea that criminals’ thought processes can be corrected with treatment.
Limitations of the criminal personality theory
Yochelson and Samenow did not use a control group of non-criminals to see if ‘normal’ people also make the same thinking errors.
Their sample was unrepresentative: there were no women and most of the men had been found insane and sent to psychiatric hospital. Yet Yochelson and Samenow claim that all offenders share the same thinking errors as this sample.
What is the Moral thinking theory
Kohlberg believes that our stages of moral development progress through stages as we progress from childhood to adulthood.
Pre-conventional moral reasoning.
Very young children define right and wrong simply in terms whether an act brings punishment or reward.
Post-conventional moral reasoning.
By adulthood of sense of right or wrong is determined by our own deeply held moral principles which
are seen as more important than the laws of the land.
How does the moral thinking theory link to criminality
Criminals don’t develop their moral
thinking. They are a stuck at a less mature level than everyone else.
They think in terms of whether their
action will lead to reward or punishment, and not about the impact their action might have on other people.
Their lack of ability to engage in moral reasoning causes them to offend.
Strengths to the Moral thinking theory
Some studies show delinquents are more likely to have immature moral development, as the theory predicts.
Thornton and Reid found the theory to be truer for crimes such as theft and robbery (which may involve reasoning) than crimes of violence (which are often impulsive).
Limitation of the Moral thinking
Kohlberg focuses on moral thinking rather than moral behavior. Someone may be perfectly capable of thinking morally while acting immorally.