Individual Taxation - Tax Credits Flashcards
Tax Credit
Amount TP is able to reduce “Tax Liability” $ for $ (value depends on Nature of Credit)
Two of the most popular “legal” ways to reduce TP’s obligation to government:
Deductions and Exemptions - Reduce Regular Taxable Income
Tax Credits - Reduce the ACTUAL Amount of Taxes owed (Regular Income Tax Liability)
Deduction reduction limited by individuals marginal tax rate
TP in 15% bracket would save .15 for every 1 dollar
Tax Credit reduction not limited by individuals marginal tax rate
Tax Credit reduce tax liability 1 dollar for every 1 dollar;
Two types of Tax Credits
Refundable Tax Credit
Most versatile
Subtracted from RIT dollar for dollar
CAN reduce tax liability below zero
TC more than tax liability, excess given back as refund
Types Refundable Tax Credits
Types related to Children:
- Additional Child Tax Credit
- Education Credit
- Earned Income Credit
Types not related to Children:
- Health Coverage Tax Credit
- Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
Non-Refundable Tax Credits
Not as versatile
Subtracted from RIT dollar for dollar
CAN’T reduce tax liability below zero
TC more than tax liability, excess not given back as refund
Types of Non-Refundable Tax Credits
Types related to Children:
- Adoption Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
Types not related to Children:
- Foreign Tax Credit
- Mortgage Interest Tax Credit
- Savers Credit
- Credit for the Elderly and Disabled
- TP must file a tax return
- Age 25-64
- Not claimed as another’s dependent
- Married couples must file MFJ
- Investment income below $3,000
- TP has earned income from working from someone else, owning business, farming
- Apply % to Earned Income up to maximum amount
- Maximum amount based on number of children
- Phase out exists
- Refundable Credit
Education Credit Types
Hope Credit (now American Opp. Tax Credit)
Lifetime Learning Credit
Hope / American Opp. Tax Credit
Applies to TP, Spouse or Dependents Reduced by Scholarships Used for Qualified Expenses (tuition, fees, books) Applies to first 4 years of post-secondary (college) Max Credit $2500 per STUDENT 50% of Full time Academic load Degree required 40% of credit is refundable
Lifetime Learning Credit
Applies to TP, Spouse or Dependents Reduced by Scholarships Used for Qualified Expenses (tuition, fees, books) Applies years AFTER post-secondary Max Credit $2000 per TAX PAYER No 50% requirement No Degree requirement Non-refundable
Child and Dependent Care Credit
TP must file return
Child less than 13
Based on Lesser of:
1 -Actual dependent care expenses
2 -Earned Income
*based on lower spouses EI
3 -$3,000 for care of 1 dependent
-$6,000 for care of multiple
Phase out based on AGI
Child Tax Credit
TP must File return
Child less than 17
$1000 per child
Phase out based on AGI
Generally Nonrefundable
Adoption Credit
TP must file return
Child less than 18
Based on Lesser of:
1 -Adoption credit
2 -Adoption expense
- Covers Adoption Expenses (bc can’t deduct Adoption exp.)
- Not Medical Expenses
- max amount is allowed for Special needs child w/o regard to actual adoption expense
Phase out exists
Excess credit
- carried back 0 years
- carried forward 5 years
Generally Nonrefundable
Foreign Tax Credit
Credit limited to LESSER of:
a. Foreign taxes paid
b. U.S. Tax x Foreign Taxable Income / World Wide Taxable Income
Excess Credit
a. Carried back 1 year
b. Carried forward 10 years
c. Only available if don’t claim Itemized Deduction (SCHEDULE. A) “no double dipping”
Savers Credit
TP must file a tax return
Age 18
Not claimed as another’s dependent
Not a full time student
Max Credit – Single $1,000; MFJ $2,000
Encourages low income workers to make voluntary contributions to IRA and 401(k) plans