Individual Attitudes, Behaviors, and Emotions PPT #5 Flashcards
Influence on Work Attitudes
Individual: Personality, Education, Needs
Contextual: Job Characteristics, Work Relationships, Others’ Attitude, Organizational Justice
Person: Environment Fit, and Psychological Contract (What you were lead to expect)
Cognitive Dissonance
This is a mismatch among emotions, attitudes, beliefs, and/or behavior.
Results In: A feeling of tension and changing some aspect for better alignment (E.g. changing behavior, justification of behavior, change attitude, changing original cognitions, ignoring contradictory information, adjusting the importance of the cognitions)
Implications Based on How Attitude is Formed
Direct Experience: Literally experiencing it yourself
Social Leaning: Seeing how others react to things can affect how you react to things
Job Satisfaction
The feelings people have towards their job.
To what extent would you expect someone’s job satisfaction to affect their workplace behavior?
Has your own job satisfaction impacted your performance?
What are the factors that influence your satisfaction at work?
Consequences of Satisfaction
Impact On:
Individual Performance (not a strong relationship for this one)
OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behavior)
Mental and Physical Health
Organizational Performance
Organizational Commitment
Affective: No desire to quit
Continuance: Can’t afford to quit
Normative: Shouldn’t quit
Kew Work Behaviors and Influences on those behaviors
Job Performance: Mental Abilities, Treatment, Stress, Attitudes, Personality
OCB: Treatment, Personality, Attitudes, Age
Absenteeism: Health, Work/life balance, Attitudes, Age
Turnover: Performance, Attitudes, Stress, Personality, Age/Tenure
Attitude - Behavior Correspondence
The link between intentions and behavior is shaped by:
Specificity: Specific attitudes predict better.
Relevance: Personal relevance strengthens the link.
Timing: Delays can weaken it.
Personality: High self-monitoring aids adaptability.
Constraints: External barriers hinder action.Stronger link to behavioral intentions vs. actual behavior
What is an emotion?
A short, intense felling resulting from some event
Job Attitudes, Behaviors, and Ethics
People tend to have better attitudes and behaviors when working in an ethical environment.
Role of Emotions: Emotional Contagion
How others are around you, reading a room, being more aware of others emotions and how it affect your emotions.
Role of Emotions: Decision Making
Wisdom: This can come from experiences and how you reacted to something that you have dealt with before. Drawing more on intuition than intellect
Ability to Prioritize
Role of Emotions: Emotional Labor
The need to manage emotions in order to perform one’s job effectively.
Dealing with emotional dissonance
Acting in a way that does not reflect your emotions at the moment
Surface level; physical emotion not really what your feeling
Deep level: try to relate more to the emotion
Genuin level: really how you feel
If using surface using high emotional labor
Genuine uses low to no emotional labour
Role of Emotions: Emotional Intelligence
A set of abilities related to understanding and management of emotions in oneself and others.
The Competency Model:
Superior or effective job performance requires having a ser of relevant knowledge, skills, abilities (KSA’s)
EI competencies distinguish outstanding performers from average performers
Four Domains of Emotional Intelligence
Relationship Management
Social Awareness
Also understand that their is a relationship amongst these, its from bottom to top and each one is required to move up to the next one.
Self Awareness
Recognizing one’s own emotions, and the impact on self & others
Realistic knowledge of strengths and weaknesses
Using intuitions, “gut sense” and feelings to guide decisions
Self Management
Keeping disruptive emotions & impulses under control
Focused drive to achieve a goal
Unleashing self’s creative and adaptive potential
Preventing “emotional hijacking”
Enables us to act with mental clarity and concentrated energy when disruptive emotions threaten, and to embody an optimistic enthusiasm
Social Awareness
Ability to attune to how others feel, and to “read” situations:
Organizational Awareness
Enables us to be socially effective in all aspects of working life; to excel at meeting the needs of others; and to motivate and retain key talent
Relationship Management
Ability to guide the emotional tone of individuals and the group:
Competencies include: Conflict Management, Developing Others, Influence, Inspirational Leadership, Teamwork
Enables us to interact in ways that create resonance; to find common ground and create rapport; to articulate vision; to direct and guide with passion & conviction
Conclusions: Chapter Overview
Work attitudes (e.g., job satisfaction, commitment) are more strongly linked to behavioral intentions vs. actual behaviors
Attitudes are impacted by both personal and contextual factors
4 key work behaviors (job performance, organizational citizenship, absenteeism, turnover) have some common influences
Emotions are a natural and necessary part of work life – understanding and managing them appropriately is key