INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS ,dar/decir, food, hace que& verbs like gustar Flashcards
What are indirect object pronouns in Spanish?
Indirect object pronouns usually replace people (or other living things) that are introduced after the verb with a preposition (a or para).
They indicate the person who the action of the verb is destined to or for
What are the indirect object pronouns?
yo me me
tú te you
él / ella /usted le/se* him/ her you
nosotros / nosotras nos us
vosotros / vosotras os you
ellos / ellas/ustedes les them /you
Provide an example of IOP.
Juan trajo unas flores a Ana.
(Juan brought Ana some flowers.)
Juan le trajo unas flores.
(Juan brought her some flowers.)
What are the verbs like gustar?
aburrir (to bore)
apetecer (to feel like/appeal to)
encantar (to like very much/be pleasing to)
fascinar (to fascinate)
interesar (to interest)
molestar (to annoy)
paracer (to seem)
quedar (to remain/be left over)
8 verbs
to bore
to feel like/appeal to
to like very much/be pleasing to
to seem
to remain/be left out
Conjugate dar.
Dar : to give
yo doy
tú das
él/ella/Ud. dan
Nosotros damos
Vosotros dais
ellos/ellas/Uds. dan
Conjugate decir.
Decir : to say
yo digo
tú dices
él/ella/Ud. dice
nosotros decimos
vosotros decís
El/ellas/ustedes dicen
List two fruits and vegetables in spanish.
- la Banana
- la Manzana
- La Lechuga
- la papa
List two meats and drinks
- el vino blanco
- la cerveza
- el Pollo
- el Bistec
List two food-related verbs and condiments.
- salsa
- la sal
- cocinar
- freír
What do you use hace que for?
to ask how long ago ana ction took place.