Indirect-acting ACh receptor agonists (reversible cholinesterase inhib) Flashcards
Indirect-acting ACh receptor agonists (2 main groups)
Cholinesterase inhibitors.
Type V phosphodiesterase inhibitors.
Cholinesterase inhibitors (2 groups)
Reversible cholinesterase inhibitors.
Quasi-reversible cholinesterase inhibitors (organophosphate compounds)
Reversible cholinesterase inhibitors (7 drugs)
Edrophonium Neostigmine Pyridostigmine Physostigmine Donepezil Galantamine Rivastigmine
Treatment of myasthenia gravis
Cholinesterase inhibitors + corticosteroids / immunosuppressant.
Cholinesterase for long-term treatment: neostigmine and pyridostigmine
Too high or too low doses of cholinesterase inhibitors in myasthenia gravis may cause (two crises) and why.
Too low doses: myasthenic crisis (no ACh causes muscle weakness).
Too high doses: cholinergic crisis (too much ACh causes a depolarization blockade and muscle weakness).
Edrophonium - MOA
Prevents hydrolysis of ACh by cholinesterase and increases concentrations of ACh
Edrophonium - indications
Diagnosis of myasthenia gravis.
Distinguishing myasthenic crisis (decreases muscle weakness) from cholinergic crisis (increases muscle weakness).
Reversible cholinesterase inhibitors that cross the BBB
Neostigmine, physostigmine, pyridostigmine - MOA
Act as slowly hydrolyzing substrates for cholinesterase, and increases the concentration of ACh
Drugs used to counteract curariform drug action postoperatively
Neostigmine, pyridostigmine, edrophonium
Neostigmine - indications
Postoperative urinary retention and abdominal distention
Physostigmine - indications
Given parenterally as antidote to atropine (or other antimuscarinic) overdose
Reversible cholinesterase inhibitors used to treat Alzheimers